3rd Cycle can you figure out the puzzle? prop/deca/clen/hcg/aro/clomid


New member
Hello, so i just got all my gear together and trying everything down to a T.
just need some help figuring out how i should run all this gear..
propionate 100

past cycles -#1 12 weeks Test E 500. ran with a nolva/clomid post cycle therapy (pct). Anz on hand incase of gyno.
second cycle -#2 10 weeks Test prop 100eod/winny. ran with a nolva/clomid post cycle therapy (pct). Anz on hand incase of gyno.
I also ran 5000uis of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) post my second cycle and i liked it big time, which is why i got it for my 3rd cycle.

both cycles were great, no problems all levels returned back to normal.

At this time i'm 25 years old, 6'2 240lbs. roughly 15-18% bf, with this cycle im looking to keep a very clean diet and not gain much weight.
instead build lean muscle and melt fat away.

on hand - 12 weeks of test prop100 4000mg 100mg eod
- Nandrolone 300(deca) 6000mg (not sure how to run this yet. or how much im going to take. i was thinking 400mg per week in 2 injections. with the prop 100mg eod.
also i heard i should run test for atleast 2 weeks after the deca?
- Clenbuterol 100 50mcg tabs. im going 2 weeks on 2 off 2 on. (not sure when to run this. i was thinking either during the cycle to keep weight loss and cadio up. or after to cut fat and tone.
any input on that would be GREAT!
- Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) how would you run this? i ran 200ius ed 5000ius. after my 2nd cycle, when should this be acording to PCT?
- Aromasin on hand incase of gyno problems.
- Clomid standard pct 50/50/50/50

if you guys could help me out and put this puzzle together that would be great :p no negative please, weave all heard enough :p