3rd Cycle is Up and Running


New member
Hello to all the great people in here.

Well, it is said that when life puts you down you have to just pull yourself together and get right back up. So after being through an extreme amount of bad luck in my life and mostly my family's life for the past 3 months (2016 seems is not a good year for me) and had to bear an extreme amount of psychological pressure I am now back on the "horse" to move forward.

Got my Blood work done, all good to go. Was finally able to find a Pharmacy here in Greece to buy everything I need for Cycle & PCT and not go through the Internet and not be sure if what I'm buying is good or fake.

After having done 2 Test-E cycles it was time for me to move forward and try my first Test-E & Deca cycle, so here is what I am doing right now.

1-14 weeks Test-E 500mg (250mg Tuesday & 250mg Saturday)
1-12 weeks Deca 300mg (150mg Tuesday & 150mg Saturday)
Half an Aromasin pill per day
HCG (250iu Wednesday & 250iu Sunday)

Extras on the list are:
Vitamin C (1pill 2 times a day)
Multivitamin (1pill per day)
Niacin (3pills per day)
Omega 3 (2pills per day)

PCT is bought and waiting

My diet is at a 3000-3500 calories (will post detailed diet later)

Wish you all a great day.
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