3rd week on M1T


New member
I have no results to talk about. I am going to get my weight and measurements tommorrow. I am really tried all the time. It even hits me when I am driving. I was thinking about ending the cycle and hit my post cycle therapy (pct). I would use the rest of my M1T and some Finaderm possibly for my next cycle. Or do you think I should run the whole 4th week.
Go for it. You've gone this far, so might as well finish it up.

Out of curiosity, have you noticed any sides? And what mg dosage are you on?
yeah, I would like the same answered that jynx asked, I'm about to begin taking it in a week and a half...and I want to take a pretty good amount doseage, but I want to avoid side effects such as acne and etc. But I'm ording some Twinlab Vitamin B5 for acne...it's supposed to be good, and it's less than 10 bucks a bottle.
I ran 10mg's for the first week and up the dose to 20mg's for week 2,3 and 4. I haven't had much side always feeling tried I would say was the biggest for me. I have never really been prone to acne so I wouldn't know how that would be. The first week it made me feel like I was need able to eat but that went away in a few days. I am really happy with the results. I am looking to see how much I retain during my post cycle therapy (pct). and then I will be think of running it again but I might stack something else with it this time around.