4 week T BOL cycle + 4 andro iron mag labs


New member
hello i wanna run my first tbol cycle, but i am really scared of needles, so i can run tbol solo, or with 200 mg of 4-androstene 3b-ol, 17-one (4 andro iron mag labs)
i know that you need a testo base when you do an oral cycle, so i would like to use a ph as testo base since 4 andro should convert into testosterone.

i am 1,83 m 85 kg , 12 % bf lifting weitghs by 10 years, 3 sets 4 reps benche press 118 kg

i ran in the past 4 weeks 1 andro + 4 andro stack by iron mag labs. so the following will be my first AAS cycle !!

my cycle, looking for a bit of new dry mass :
tbol 50mg /200mg 4 andro for 4 weeks than nolvadex 20/20/10/10

what do you think about that ? any suggestion?
Are you male or female? If male, you need injectable Testosterone as the base of your cycle. No if's, and's or but's. Of you are afraid of needles you should look for a new hobby.

Read the 'Ology FAQs sticky thread found in this forum.

How old are you?
hello i wanna run my first tbol cycle, but i am really scared of needles, so i can run tbol solo, or with 200 mg of 4-androstene 3b-ol, 17-one (4 andro iron mag labs)
i know that you need a testo base when you do an oral cycle, so i would like to use a ph as testo base since 4 andro should convert into testosterone.

i am 1,83 m 85 kg , 12 % bf lifting weitghs by 10 years, 3 sets 4 reps benche press 118 kg

i ran in the past 4 weeks 1 andro + 4 andro stack by iron mag labs. so the following will be my first AAS cycle !!

my cycle, looking for a bit of new dry mass :
tbol 50mg /200mg 4 andro for 4 weeks than nolvadex 20/20/10/10

what do you think about that ? any suggestion?

You have NO business beginning a cycle when you have no education concerning this activity.

I suggest you start reading and understanding what AAS use is all about so you don't permanently hurt yourself.
Get some injectable vitamin B and some one ml syringes with 29g pins --- practice pinning yourself with that and over time you'll see needles and injecting is no big deal

And in the mean time study up
Are you male or female? If male, you need injectable Testosterone as the base of your cycle. No if's, and's or but's. Of you are afraid of needles you should look for a new hobby.

Read the 'Ology FAQs sticky thread found in this forum.

How old are you?

i am a male 35 y old. needlse scared, and fruthermore i dont have here in italy a relaibe source of injectable testo, but i can found good t bold and oral ph....
i ran some ph stacks in the past, this will be my first real AAS stack.
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i am a male 35 y old. needlse scared, and fruthermore i dont have here in italy a relaibe source of injectable testo, but i can found good t bold and oral ph....
i ran some ph stacks in the past, this will be my first real AAS stack.

Males need Testosterone. And it has to be injected because oral Testosterone is very bad for your liver. There is no way around this.

Get psychological help to cure your needle phobia.
Males need Testosterone. And it has to be injected because oral Testosterone is very bad for your liver. There is no way around this.

Get psychological help to cure your needle phobia.

ok, in semptember i ll move to london, i know that lot of well known online shops send inj test to you, if you are in the uk. But they don t ship to italy,i ll try to pin my self.
so ill wait....in the meanwhile, since i have a bottle of haloextreme iron mag labs, do you suggest me to run it, so i can look a bit bigger next summer ? i could do 4 weeks halo and 4 weeks nolva 20 20 10 10 any suggestion?
ok, in semptember i ll move to london, i know that lot of well known online shops send inj test to you, if you are in the uk. But they don t ship to italy,i ll try to pin my self.
so ill wait....in the meanwhile, since i have a bottle of haloextreme iron mag labs, do you suggest me to run it, so i can look a bit bigger next summer ? i could do 4 weeks halo and 4 weeks nolva 20 20 10 10 any suggestion?

No. I do not recommend that you use it.
you have alot of reading to do also if your going to be using orals your want to have cycle support to protect your liver read up on mrsupps tudca

in order to run a good cycle your need all the info you can get in order to ensure you don't waste your time money and products and or hurt yourself
you have alot of reading to do also if your going to be using orals your want to have cycle support to protect your liver read up on mrsupps tudca

in order to run a good cycle your need all the info you can get in order to ensure you don't waste your time money and products and or hurt yourself
i already bougth tudca and milk thistle :)
i am reading a lot in order to use safely aas ...starting in september...but looking for another 4 weeks ph or oral only aas before this summer.any suggestion ? is there anything i can do without a needle from now to sempember (i ll move to london where i can buy real test e, without going to the jail)