4 Weeks in Test E Cycle - Blood Test Results


New member
My Test Result are in. I believe the Number look like what I should expect, but Testosterone Level seems
high. I plan to retest in a few weeks, perhaps there was spike at the time of blood work.
Overall, I feel fantastic.

I am 51 Years Old, 6'1", 208# and in Good Health.

My Cycle is 500mg Test-C (250mgWed/250mgSun), and I had started ADEX .5 EOD (After Bloodwork)
I felt I had excess of water weight, I believe I will drop to lower dose of ADEX

HEMATOCRIT 47.0 38.5-50.0 % 01
FSH 0.7 LOW 1.6-8.0 mIU/mL 01
LH 0.2 LOW 1.5-9.3 mIU/mL 01
ESTRADIOL 34 < OR = 39 pg/mL 01
TEST. TOTAL 3914 HIGH 250-1100 ng/dL

I have attached my entire Bloodwork.
Can I get feedback on these blood test numbers? Do they look in line?
Should I give blood at this Hemocrit Level?

I found this chart elsewhere on what to expected Test Levels to be given Cycle Dosage;
250mg of test a week- T level should be 1100-1600ng/dl
500mg of test a week- T level should be 1800-2500ng/dl
750mg of test a week- levels should be well into the 3000's

Thanks Guys

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Your numbers look really good. Your RBC is low for being on a blast, but that is a good thing. No need to donate blood in the near future. Sure it's always good to do so, but you are no where near the danger zone.

Are you on TRT? If so what is your TT and test dose?

Yes your TT looks high but again that is a good thing. Your gear could be strong/ overdosed.

When did you pin relative to your blood test? It's always best to get bloods right before your next pin.

Also don't get hung up on the charts they are very general guidelines. My TRT dose of 140mg cyp puts my TT at 1150 which doesn't fall anywhere in line with this chart.
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Your numbers look really good. Your RBC is low for being on a blast, but that is a good thing. No need to donate blood in the near future. Sure it's always good to do so, but you are no where near the danger zone.

Are you on TRT? If so what is your TT and test dose?

Yes your TT looks high but again that is a good thing. Your gear could be strong/ overdosed.

When did you pin relative to your blood test? It's always best to get bloods right before your next pin.

Also don't get hung up on the charts they are very general guidelines. My TRT dose of 140mg cyp puts my TT at 1150 which doesn't fall anywhere in line with this chart.

I think TT was high, because I got off of Sustanon and changed to Test-C (pharma) about a week before, that might have thrown things off. I plan to re-test in a few weeks. I think I pinned a couple days before. for the next Blood test I will time it better relative to the Blood Test.
Looks good to me. If you feel good then I don't see any reason to worry about any of those numbers.


I started ADEX day after the blood test because I had a bit af water retention. I started at the dose of .5 EOD
What do you recommend I drop that to, .25 EOD?