44 year old male on trt with cycle questions.


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I have been on yet for 1 year. My current dose is 125mg test c per week (2 shots of roughly 60 mg). I have done a couple of 10-12 week blast cycles of 500mg test c per week (250mg shots 2x/week) recently with 10-12 week rest in between. I am considering a new cycle with npp but I have some specific questions. Since I am already on trt would it make since for me to do a dbol/tbol kicker to start? Even though I am on trt it would take a few weeks for the increased (roughly 500-600mg per week) to reach therapeutic levels. I was thinking it my be a good idea to use the dbol/tbol kickstart for 3-4 weeks. Any advice would be appreciated. If this has already been asked and answered I apologize.
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Being on TRT should not play into your decision of whether or not you want to do a kicker at the beginning with an oral steroid.
I read your opening twice and welcome !

What kind of shape are you in ? I oft ask for an avi or photo to be provided as "a piccie is worth a long ass opener ".
Way to many men are on trt w-o going the extra mile to get right using trt med s to get tight.
I m not saying you but many guy s are and it s usually this control group that people like to use as an example that AAS are bad.
Same group who have led the Viaga commercial s to add " ask ur doc if your healthy enuff to have sex " disclaimor.

With relation to kickstart a cycle d bol work s, t bol work s too. Each has it s own lil issue s w it s own fixes. Deca s cool sure but it s blood thickererer for me...my blood becomes like cold syrup although it s awesome for joint s.
I just let me e2 rise and revil in the well oiled joint s and try not to cry at sad movies.
If you mess with nandrolone while on TRT, you better watch your hematocrit levels!!!
EQ will be worse yet for raising hemotocrit, and again genetics play a huge part. Some have few problems others like mentioned give blood even on trt doses yet still need to come off completely 1 or 2 times/year
Doc admin trt? Or self? Makes a big difference. It takes deca 6 weeks or better to clear in case your doc wants blood work done. If you know dates of said blood tests then fine -deca away. Otherwise, better to stick with short ester AAS for blasts between doc blood work to have ample time for that shit to clear your system. Otherwise you take a chance, some docs are pretty wise about that shit and will boot you.
Npp for nandrolone and test prop example of short ester AAS
I am in decent shape (I guess that is all relative though). I am 6' 2" and usually hover at 230. I will try and upload a pic or 2 in the next few days. I lift 4-5 days a week. Usually chest-Monday, back-Tuesday, legs-Wednesday (6 leg surgeries in the past) Friday-shoulders and bi's/Tori's on Saturday. I have recently (past 2 months) started doing cardio (elliptical usually because of bad knees) 5 days a week for 20-30 minutes (heart rate stays between 120-140).
Doc administered trt. He only pulls blood work every 6-9 months. I usually get it done whenever I want at a walk in lab and show him the results. It would be really easy for me to time it correctly.
I usually get blood work every 4 weeks when I do a blast. I just go to a local walk in lab and my doc/insurance company never sees the results. I donate blood every 56 days or so.
Sorry but I don't know if I fully understand what you mean. I would be interested in a 4 week oral steroid if it would increase my chances of a more successful cycle. If you don't think it would be beneficial then I would skip it. The reason i mentioned that i was on trt is because I was under the impression that the main reason people used the "kicker" up front was so they could improve their gains until the test reached a "therapeutic dose".
Sorry but I don't know if I fully understand what you mean. I would be interested in a 4 week oral steroid if it would increase my chances of a more successful cycle. If you don't think it would be beneficial then I would skip it. The reason i mentioned that i was on trt is because I was under the impression that the main reason people used the "kicker" up front was so they could improve their gains until the test reached a "therapeutic dose".

if your on TRT , then there is absolutely nothing wrong with a 4 week blast of an oral only cycle. Personally I'd go a bit longer. Blast 50mg of Var for 6 weeks, should not be a problem at all while on TRT (your cholesterol profile on blood work will be negatively effected prob is all).
Blast Dbol for 6 weeks, should be fine but you HAVE TO up your AI and stay on top of estrogen control
No not a 4 week oral only. Test c 500mg per week (weeks 1-12), npp 400mg per week (weeks 3-12), tbol 50mg per day (weeks 1-4), and exemestane 12.5mg eod/ed/or less (depending on symptoms and blood work) (weeks 1-12). I will pull bloodwork the day before I start, every 4 weeks while on cycle and 4 weeks after the cycle. I am a huge proponent of frequent bloodwork. The test c and npp will be taken eod together. Roughly 140mg test c eod and roughly 120mg npp eod. I chose npp, tbol and exemestane because they seem to have less side effects than their counterparts (deca, dbol and anastrazole). I know there are still plenty of possible side effects but they seem safer to me.
No not a 4 week oral only. Test c 500mg per week (weeks 1-12), npp 400mg per week (weeks 3-12), tbol 50mg per day (weeks 1-4), and exemestane 12.5mg eod/ed/or less (depending on symptoms and blood work) (weeks 1-12). I will pull bloodwork the day before I start, every 4 weeks while on cycle and 4 weeks after the cycle. I am a huge proponent of frequent bloodwork. The test c and npp will be taken eod together. Roughly 140mg test c eod and roughly 120mg npp eod. I chose npp, tbol and exemestane because they seem to have less side effects than their counterparts (deca, dbol and anastrazole). I know there are still plenty of possible side effects but they seem safer to me.
my mistake, misread the thread.