4th cycle, cutting, Test-E/Var


Mini Rocky
This is my proposed 4th cycle, the past 3 cycles have been bulking. I was deciding wether to do a 12 week Test E 750mg cycle of bulking or try a cutting one. I got alot of feedback that i should cut
Stats- 5'4 197lbs, around 20% BF

Goal- 1 to get close to 12% BF while retaining muscle mass. So I need to cut around 16-18lbs. Id love to atleast gain 2-3lbs of muscle in there (i can wish). I thought of possibly just cutting 1lb a week, and seeing if i get any muscle growth in return since its only 500calorie net loss.

Goal-2 To go up a tad in my lifts, I know with the cutting of weight id go down in strength but i hope with the test I can either maintain or go a tad up in weight on lifts.

1-12 Test-E 500mg
1-4 Test-Prop 150mg EOD
1-6 70mg ED of Var
1-10 HCG 500ius a week
1-12 Armidex .5mg twice a week
Normal Clomid 100/100/50/50 except i do an extra 4 weeks after of 50/50/50/50
Normal Nova 40/40/20/20 except extra 2 weeks after of 20/20

I possibly may add some clen in there, ive ran clen before off cycle and it was okay.
I thought you quit HCG a week or 2 before pct, ill look into this. Thank you for bringing this up.

My cycle wont start for another 1 1/2 months. Diet wise, im working on healthy plans, then will post on 3js free diet advice to see if its good.
Seems weird and don't think the var is gunna do much over all for the end result. Those doses and schedules are experimental at best. Might want to go with something a little more standard issue. I guess you could come in at the end with the var to clean things up a bit but still the whole thing is spotty. My choice for something like that would be test deca winny.
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Seems weird and don't think the var is gunna do much over all for the end result. Those doses and schedules are experimental at best. Might want to go with something a little more standard issue. I guess you could come in at the end with the var to clean things up a bit but still the whole thing is spotty. My choice for something like that would be test deca winny.

What are you talking about?
Seems weird and don't think the var is gunna do much over all for the end result. Those doses and schedules are experimental at best. Might want to go with something a little more standard issue. I guess you could come in at the end with the var to clean things up a bit but still the whole thing is spotty. My choice for something like that would be test deca winny.

if you're going to edit your post, at least edit it so that you don't make yourself seem woefully ignorant. the cycle is fine. those are normal doses.
He wants to loose fat gain muscle and strength as a goal for the cycle. You think this cycle is a wise choice var for the first 6 weeks at least go 8. I said test deca winny and I'm ignorant ? Piss off dummy Onk I'm intittled to an opinion don't fuck with me. Woefully is a word only a dummy trying to look smart would use . Your gunna call me an ignoranus and then use a word like woefully sir you are a nerd.
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I've done Deca, well a Prop/NPP cycle. I found Deca to be dull. That was my second cycle, i found out truely Test is all you need. I've done Var, I've done Test. They work with my body. Too many people put to much shit in their body, id rather just be safe. Plus if you cant achieve on Test, you dont need to be doing steroids.

Anyways I believe Var can be toxic with the longer the length ran. I've already had past blood test, where it stated my liver was bad. It'd healed now.

I believe my goal weight wise, if possible. To lose 14lbs of fat, and possibly gain 5lbs of muscle. By just doing standard cardio, and little 500 deficit.
just signed up on this cause i have a few questions .. so i started running deca and test cyp in january i ran it for 6 months straight . last month on it i changed to sustanon250 with deca some weeks i didnt keep up with it 100% . i got introuble with the law latley so due to my lawyer costs i ihad to cut down . soo after 6 months i wanted to get off which was now and couldnt afford asnything till spetmebrr. good friend of mine credited me 40 anadrol tabs a bottle of tren and test . now im starting to get backpains but in the kidney area and dont know what to do . i got this lent to last me by september so i can get my money back up .. i was thinking to run HGH winstrol and tren with test for another 6 months and complete my cycle for 1 year .. what to do with kidney pains and is thast a good cycle?
Seems weird and don't think the var is gunna do much over all for the end result. Those doses and schedules are experimental at best. Might want to go with something a little more standard issue. I guess you could come in at the end with the var to clean things up a bit but still the whole thing is spotty. My choice for something like that would be test deca winny.

He wants to loose fat gain muscle and strength as a goal for the cycle. You think this cycle is a wise choice var for the first 6 weeks at least go 8. I said test deca winny and I'm ignorant ? Piss off dummy Onk I'm intittled to an opinion don't fuck with me. Woefully is a word only a dummy trying to look smart would use . Your gunna call me an ignoranus and then use a word like woefully sir you are a nerd.

OP, please don't listen to mike43. I apologise for his posts. Yes they are couched in horrendous prose with little intelligence supporting logical arguments but he means well.

Your doses aren't experimental. They're fine. If your var is of good quality then that's more than enough. You don't need to go to bigger doses to achieve more.
By starting the var at the start you're essentially kick starting your cycle and getting the strength benefits whilst the test is kicking in, with the side benefit of the leaness var helps with.

One thing I haven't said earlier, use the adex EoD, not E3.5D (2x per week). It only has a short half life and e3.5d is far too far apart.

Mike: only look to recommend winny to people competing. It can causes joint issues which regular everyday lifters don't need. The deca will mask that pain which can cause further issues. He also is doing a 12 week cycle. Due to deca's ester it would need to be finished at least 1-2 weeks before the test. Meaning deca 1-10 weeks....not optimal at all. A better suggestion from you would've been npp. It would fuck up his pinning schedule as he has a long ester with a short but hey, you didn't think this through anyway.
Mike: only look to recommend winny to people competing.

I never outlined a detailed schedule on how to run the winny deca test cycle. Those dosage and schedules are experimental meaning try them out but I don't think that the anavar is the best choice for getting what hes looking for. I mentioned that my choice for what he wants would be test deca winny. Winstrol is now only for competition because you say so? The bottom line is that the test deca winny cycle is way more epic for what hes looking for. He never mentioned any liver issues in the post I was responding to. Are you gunna go around now telling everyone that isn't in a body building competition to not use anything but the weakest of steroids and test only because its more risky dad? Anadrol because this and that Halo because this and that Tren because this and that and oh ya like you say deca is only good to mask joint pain. Or are you only trying to belittle and disenfranchise my opinions for whatever reasons lol at your holier than thou spiel your theories are concrete and my opinions are sheet. I never outlined anything, genius. This is my opinion this is what I think is best for what he's looking for. Your the one over there acting like a physician outlining adex dosages this and that. Im entitled to an opinion. Don't shit on everything I say. Post your opinion on what you think is right for him. Also don't apologize for what I say to another member on a thread you don't even know me. Stop using me to try and act like a big shot. I was talking to mrricco2012 not you.
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again, another post with no information that was merely a rant covering topics I never discussed. If you think var at 70mg is weak then you must use some under dosed gear. You say very little in a LOT of writing.
Goal- 1 to get close to 12% BF while retaining muscle mass. So I need to cut around 16-18lbs. Id love to atleast gain 2-3lbs of muscle in there (i can wish). I thought of possibly just cutting 1lb a week, and seeing if i get any muscle growth in return since its only 500calorie net loss.

Goal-2 To go up a tad in my lifts, I know with the cutting of weight id go down in strength but i hope with the test I can either maintain or go a tad up in weight on lifts.

What are you? A bodybuilder? (someone who seeks pure muscle gain) - or Powerlifter? (someone who seeks strength)

Before you even think about cycling and what AAS to use - you need to answer that question. Because they both have two totally separate requirements to be successful.

For size, you train for hypertrophy, you eat for recovery and you take AAS for muscle growth and fat loss.
For strength, you train with low reps, progressive poundage increases, long recovery times, eat for power and take AAS to get stronger (different compounds).

To want both from a cycle - is just plain greedy!

Work out which is more important to you, formulate a plan of attack, and stick to it.
But remember. Diet is key, training is important - the AAS just exaggerate the others.
just signed up on this cause i have a few questions .. so i started running deca and test cyp in january i ran it for 6 months straight . last month on it i changed to sustanon250 with deca some weeks i didnt keep up with it 100% . i got introuble with the law latley so due to my lawyer costs i ihad to cut down . soo after 6 months i wanted to get off which was now and couldnt afford asnything till spetmebrr. good friend of mine credited me 40 anadrol tabs a bottle of tren and test . now im starting to get backpains but in the kidney area and dont know what to do . i got this lent to last me by september so i can get my money back up .. i was thinking to run HGH winstrol and tren with test for another 6 months and complete my cycle for 1 year .. what to do with kidney pains and is thast a good cycle?

Don't gatecrash someone else's thread bro - start your own if you need help, alternatively do a LOT more research!
again, another post with no information that was merely a rant covering topics I never discussed. If you think var at 70mg is weak then you must use some under dosed gear. You say very little in a LOT of writing.

Before I knew he had liver issues. I said my choice for what he wanted out of the cycle would be test deca winny. That's my opinion. Then you come in with your holier than thou Mr. Big Shot attitude don't listen to mike43, I'm the genius here only my opinion is worthy. No dude you have an opinion you think the cycle he outlined is perfect. I have my opinion that there are better cycles to go with for what he wants.
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