4th week test e +dbol. high blood pressure, nipple pain, hair fall, testical pain


New member
I am on 4th week of my 1st cycle of test e + deca.
From last thirsday i started feeling sides like testical pain and hair fall. I stated HCG and testical pain gone. after two days start high blood pressure and today i m feeling pain in my right nipple. I discontinue every thing since last thirsday when i started testical pain. My blood pressure was 172/90 today's morning. I consulted a Dr he gave me some medicine i feeling lil bit fine at bp 130/80. Seniors are requested to please guide mee what to do. Bcoz i m in tension. I didnot tell anything to Dr that i m using steroids. Guys plz help me
I have nolva in hands. Clomid in hand. And arimidex also in hand.

Test e was planned: 250mg x 2 pw (discontinued since last thirsday at the end of 3rd weeks and 6th shot)
Dbol: 1st week 30mg, 2nd week 40mg & 3rd week 50mg
Hight: 5.8
Age.: 31
Bf: 15%
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You clearly did not do enough research to start injecting powerful hormones into your body.

You have already discontinued the cycle, so best thing to do is just pct and then if you want to do another cycle, do more research. Did you even use arimidex at all this cycle? Dbol and test both aromatise quite a lot, so an AI should have been used. The water retention is probably what caused your high blood pressure. Or even worse, you are predisposed to hypertension and need to stay away from AAS unless you have some way of keeping blood pressure under control and constantly monitoring it.

After your pct you should feel better but will still need a few more weeks to recover properly.

I'm not familiar with hcg as I have never used it, but I'm pretty sure it has to be run with the cycle and not just injected when you get sides. It's used to keep your testicles from shrinking. But some of the more experienced guys might be able to help you there, don't take my word as gospel.

AAS is serious stuff man. Don't get involved if you don't know EXACTLY what you're doing. That's just reckless.
any more suggestions plzzzz. i need help.
should i start pct or wait for some days.
what should be the pct nolva: 40/40/20/20 only or should i add some arimidex also?
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Adex for PCT....

Man o man.

Chill. If you were gonna die u d be dead already. Mamma said------

Live and learn. U better learn more so as to not be so alarmed when the dark sides amassing.....

Being frantic s not gonna help. Ur blood pressure was up ( that reading sent you to the doc; you ought never leave the house) and probably is gonna be when you read this.
Ur over reacting and I grow weary of these alarmist threads. Someone will come along whose not quite as jaded w rookies shooting themselves in the foot.
You added in a lot of things that aromatise which means turns to estrogen. High estrogen can attribute to high blood pressure. D-bol is known to give people high blood pressure more so than other steroids. I would personally just stop the cycle and start taking nolvadex at 40/40/20/20 and clomid at 50/50/50/50. Also I would recommend monitoring your blood pressure until it go's down and consulting your doctor before you quit the blood pressure medication.

You will be fine just buy one of those bp monitors with the pump and see how you are doing each day to be on the safe side. Also make sure nolvadex and clomid don't have any bad interactions with any current medications you might be perscribed including your new blood pressure medication. Relax and if you have any problems we can try to help. You need to study about steroid cycles for a long time before starting another one. I also recomend posting any future cycle to have some people make sure it is good to go before you start it.
And you should wait a couple weeks from your last shot for the testosterone to clear your system before starting whatever pct you choose.
thank u sir for your kind advise. my blood pressure is lil bit fine now . i m monitoring my bp on regular basic at home and also consulting with my dr daily. i will be in touch with u guys in future if i decide to plan any cycle.
my last shot was on last Thursday 03-12-2015. and i have planned to do pct with nolvadex after 2 weeks from today. is it okay to do sir ?
Start your PCT on the 22/12/15.

Your PCT should be:
Clomid - 50/50/50/50
Nolvadex - 40/40/20/20

also plz guide that how much should i wait to start my next cycle. i have decided to start it again on 1st march.

1-3week:250mg test e
4-12 week:500mg test e
2-12 week: Arimidex .5 every third day
2-12 hcg: 250iu x 2 per week
12-14 week hcg: 250iu daily
dbol optional: 30mg per day from 7th to 10th week. if everying will going in my favor.

nolvadex pct: 40/40/20/20
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I am on 4th week of my 1st cycle of test e + deca.
From last thirsday i started feeling sides like testical pain and hair fall. I stated HCG and testical pain gone. after two days start high blood pressure and today i m feeling pain in my right nipple. I discontinue every thing since last thirsday when i started testical pain. My blood pressure was 172/90 today's morning. I consulted a Dr he gave me some medicine i feeling lil bit fine at bp 130/80. Seniors are requested to please guide mee what to do. Bcoz i m in tension. I didnot tell anything to Dr that i m using steroids. Guys plz help me
I have nolva in hands. Clomid in hand. And arimidex also in hand.

Test e was planned: 250mg x 2 pw (discontinued since last thirsday at the end of 3rd weeks and 6th shot)
Dbol: 1st week 30mg, 2nd week 40mg & 3rd week 50mg
Hight: 5.8
Age.: 31
Bf: 15%

I'd run HCG for teste pain? Try 500IU PW. Should keep them the same size for the cycle.

BP mostly likely in ur case is from e2 being too high. U need to dose ur AI correctly to reduce water weight from high e2. This should also help reduce nipple pain, If u get gyno and even a AI won't fix this, then I suggest running ralox at 120mg ED till it's gone.

Dbol does cause a lot of bloat + test + high e2? Bad combo.

I fixed my BP with 6g fish oils, 2g beetroot, 500mg celery extract. Switched it from 177 to 129 on tren. I'd also suggest watching ur Na in this case too. It can really boost BP.
OP, your freaking out over sides and just dropped a cycle and your asking for information regarding your "next" cycle?? Really?
If you worried about sides why are you even messing with dbol "estrogen bombs" especially if your that uneducated on how your body / hormones react to the compounds your using? Do your homework and stop the stressing your making your blood pressure issue worse or creating it all together.
How much time these sides will take to leave my body bcoz my body is not tolrating nolvadex. I started nolvadex 5 days before but aftet 4th day my bp again started to go high 165/100. Plz advise the best solution to get rid of these side effects. Any natural way to clear my body.
U need to stop
ingesting anything but food and water
u need to lift naturally or start collecting stamp s or watching birds.

I am serious OP. U have neither the knowledge, patience, physical tolerance or mental stability to be playing Russian roulette with AAS as they are CLEARLY NOT doing anything but making you and more importantly me irritated that after the f k n train wreck we tried to un fuck u r bitchin about how to get over NOLVA sides.

For fuck s sake bro....

U can t handle ANY tweaking of your bodies chemistery and that s cool but you going forward anyway in direct contra to what was advised u are not built for anything but natural training and supplementing w food. Rest. Pussy. Sleep.

I hope you can handle the truth.

These new young guy s make me wonder where the men went ???? Between Notgill and 3 others I m zeroing in on it s no wonder women are doing women....whine bitch moan and complain AND live at grandma s to boot. Western culture s in trouble. Man if I was 25 I d be doing everyones gf...Jesus Mary and Joeseph....no men left...
sir I know all bad words for me but i need help from u seniors . these must be any solution the tackle these complications

It took you x month s to get here, give it x times 2 to fix itself, and it will....I can almost quarantee.