5 week transformation!!!!


New member
If the following pictures dont get you signed up with 3J for your nutrition needs then I dont know what will. In just 5 short weeks he helped me get into the best shape I have ever been in. I dont have fat calipers to tell you what my before and after percentages are but the pics should speak for themselves. In total I dropped about 7-8lbs in 5 weeks. Im stoked and could only imagine the level I would have gotten to if we were continuing the program.
these are the before pics




these are the 5 week after pics





congrats man.. im proud of you

if any of you are wondering why i am posting pics for him you must have a 50 post count before you can post pics
Thanks 3J for everything man. I will def be using your services again in about 1 month. This time im looking for a 2-3 month mass transformation. Then again after that we shall rinse and repeat and cut down on the fat I might put on.
Yeha I couldnt be more satisified. What blows my mind is it was only 5 weeks of cutting!!!! I couldnt image if I had done 8-12 weeks. Also if I had any drugs to help the cut even more?!?!?!?!?!?!? This just shows that diet is 80% of the battle
Next time(prolly june/july) I am def enlisting his service for a lean bulk I want to run for about 10-12 weeks. If he can do this in 5 weeks with no cycle, I cant wait to see what he can do for me on cycle. Such a great person to work with I cant thank him enough(neither can the wife btw)
Yup always do cardio, through this transformation it was slightly more but it was acut after all :) now its a staple in working out and I can't complain I love being lean and mean even while bulking
Shit now I'm even more excited about getting my diet from 3J!! You look way badass!! That really is a huge difference in such short time! Keep it up man!