Before talking about my bf% etc. I would like to tell my training background, so that people don't get triggered.
Well I am not really into BB but I love Powerlifting. Basically strength is what I train for and the musclemass I get is from secondary movements that i occasionally do, nothing much or special.
Somehow I ended up in the 125kg BW at 30%ish, I started my cut, got down to 118.2kg slowly, training good etc.
Then I had 6 weeks for an engagement and wanted to get down ASAP.
So I started Lyle McDonald's RFL, where my caloric intake a day is about 1000 kalories with 200g+ proteins.
After two weeks I felt sloppy and weak in the gym, compared to my prior strength so I ended up supplying my diet with some test E 250mg/week. It has been an AWESOME boost which has made it possible for me to train.
So far almost 4 weeks into the diet and 2 weeks to my engagement, I have lost 6.4kg.
I thought that now I have started the cut I could get 350mg/week winstrol in aswell so that I additionally can supply the diet with some clen(just these 2 weeks), as I think with the roids I should be able hold on to more musclemass with clen and this pretty crazy diet lol.
Also finish off my 10 week cycle where I have 6 weeks of winstrol at the end, and continue with a normal diet + I already have the PCT in hand - Scallys power PCT(hCG, clomid & nolvadex).
Another thing: My heartbeating & my conditioning have become so much more normal now than what it was like before this pretty rough diet. So all in all I am happy I started but living off vitamin and mineral pills, cabbage and 800-1000g chicken breast a day is pretty hard lol.
Sorry for the long comment but I would rather tell you guys it all and maybe have the best possible advice to my situation