6 months off cyle

i did numerous supersets with all my resistance training to keep strength while cutting up. it worked better than i expected

Your pictures are very inspirational, Tramelly! That was a total transformation from your first pic :D!

Question: what was the time gap from the "before and after" pics? Please include stats for the before-and-after :).

Congrats! Cheeers.
Ok, dont take this to bad, but bro, you should be no where near gear yet. Even if you are bigger then many that start juicing you should have been over 200lbs before touching the good stuff, especially when youre 6 ft.

But keep it clean now and ad more mass before hitting again.
Bast said:
Ok, dont take this to bad, but bro, you should be no where near gear yet. Even if you are bigger then many that start juicing you should have been over 200lbs before touching the good stuff, especially when youre 6 ft.

But keep it clean now and ad more mass before hitting again.


Looking good. But you could've gotten 175 lbs 10% bf without gear at 6'0. Just with food, training and resting. This subject has been longly talked in this forum.
Anyway, congrats for your progress.
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Bast & Liquillo78: Before I was at 215lbs. I dieted down with the help of Clen to try and lose unwanted belly fat around my lower abs. I figured since I already had a pretty decent build I could make steady progess by eating right and through hard training. So when I got my abs in decent check I went with that cycle along with resistance training. As of now I am at 205lbs with around 11% bf. I've been clean for about almost a year now. Only thing I have used since then were over the counter supplements such as Gakic which I really like. I think it does the same for me as dbol. IMO. but other than gakic ive just used some test boosters like tbomb and the most important tons and tons of chicken breast.lol. But to all that has commented I appreciate the time you took to say what you did. Good or bad. I probrably wont start another cycle til the end of July. Ill throw my updated pictures up sometime in the near future before i start my cycle and give you guys updates as i progress.
Trammelly said:
Gakic which I really like. I think it does the same for me as dbol. IMO.

Are you talking about muscletech gakic? haha..

You gotta love the 4 page advertising in fitness/bodybuilding mags with mucsletech products which are overpriced crap..

lol l was looking at the first pic thinking umm wat is that??? lol then i seen the next ones and noticed it was a b4 shot lol....take better pics and btw the hat seems abit brookback mountain-ish? good job though.
Bimmer said:
very nice improvments, but take it easy with the poses, they are kinda funny. What are your longterm goals?
side note...what kind of bimmer u got? Just curious cuz i got a 95 M3...you on any bimmer forums?