
New member
I would like to propose a stack idea to see what you geniuses’ think or know about it, since nobody else does!

1500mg DHEA over 4 doses
600mg 6-OXO at last meal
600mg DIM

I am 26 and take Propecia to prevent DHT hair loss, which is hereditary, if that information helps you any.

I would also like to add that I am trying this out and am two weeks in with good results. I started the DHEA at about 200mg a day for a few days and then went up to 1000mg a day for about a week and am now at the 1500mg level. I have been taking 600mg of 6-OXO for the entire time. I have added the 600mg of DIM when I went from 1000mg to 1500mg of DHEA. I also supplement my diet with whey protein, creatine, vitamins, zinc, and fish oil.

These are the results that I have experienced to date. My bodyweight is pretty much unchanged. I have not increased the calories in my diet, and if anything have restricted it by a few hundred. I burn off about 5000 calories per week performing cardio. I am getting leaner and several people have commented to me about the progress, for it is noticeable. They actually want to know how much weight I have lost and are quite surprised when I tell them that I haven’t lost any. My appetite has increased and I seem to be starving a couple hours before my meals, which sucks, since I haven’t added any calories to my diet!!! My workout weights and reps are going up and I can see that I am putting on muscle. So far I would say that I am very happy with gaining muscle while losing fat and will be continuing on with this stack.

I have experienced some side effects. I changed brands of DHEA and it no longer upsets my stomach. I am experiencing headaches, which I take Aleve to get rid of them. I have developed some depression and feel sad most of the time, which I take St. John’s Wart to feel better. There might be some irritability, but that might just be my job. Sex drive is up and the little soldier pitches a tent more often.

Yesterday was the last day of the experiment, so I will do a little recap.

1st week
200mg of DHEA for 2 days then I went up to 1000mg
600mg of 6-oxo

2nd – 4th week
1500mg of DHEA
600mg of 6-oxo
600mg of DIM

5th & 6th week
1500mg of DHEA
600mg of 6-oxo
600mg of DIM
50mg of Ephedrine HCL 3x a day
200mg of Caffeine 3x a day
325mg of Aspirin 3x a day

I also take propecia to combat DHT hair loss, which is hereditary, if you care to know.

I spread the DHEA over 4 doses and took the 6-oxo with my last meal. I was so happy with my progress that I added the ECA stack at the end to cut up some more.

The results over 40 days, has been the gaining of lean muscle mass, while losing body fat. My body weight is pretty much unchanged, and if I had to guess, I would estimate that I had gained 15 lbs of lean muscle mass and lost about 15 lbs of body fat. All of my workout weights have increased and I could actually see my muscles grow from almost every workout. Pretty much everyone at the gym that I talk to has commented on me cutting up, with my satisfaction of knowing its all muscle.

Things that I had experienced: Libido went up initially, until I went to the high doses of DHEA during the second week. The Libido thing seemed to decrease from the norm for the last 5 weeks. I experienced a nearly constant sadness and started taking St. John’s Wart, which has made me feel better. The last week to a week and a half I felt really tired, which may have something to do with the addition of the ECA stack during that time.

I will let you all know how things have been going in a week.

Interesting, thanks. Please let us know how it goes. Were there any other sides, like shrinking boys - that might indicate HPTA interruption. I assume that it would since the DHEA was probably converted mostly to test. Are you doing any PCT?
I am not doing a PCT, I figure that even though the DHEA is being converted into testosterone, that the 6-oxo will stifle the estrogen problem. I figure that running 6-oxo for that long would result in very low estrogen levels. I think that my natural testosterone production has been lowered a bit, but not severily.

I would like to provide some results of my 225 lb max INCLINE BENCH PRESS. I started out with a (sad) max of 3 reps, and ended with a (better than sad) 8 rep max, which I followed with one 6 rep set and three 5 rep sets. If you use the bodybuilding.com fitness calculator to estimate my 1 rep max, I began at 238 lbs and ended at 279 lbs, which would be an increase of 41 lbs on my 1 rep max weight as calculated. Sorry, but I do not max out, because I had a shoulder injury before, which caused me to take 3 months off of lifting, and do not want to repeat this experience.

Another example of my results is that my workout weight for dumbbell curls was 4 sets of 10 reps with 35 lbs, and I can now do 40’s (Not the kind you drink).

I will let you know where my flat bench ended up soon.

I would like to add the tiredness that I experienced abruptly ended when, I stopped the stack.