6 wks till i see my trt doc should i run a pct or keep lowering test

Pct while on trt is pointless as your gonna be shutdown regardless. You just don't want a tt value of 4000 when your doctor has dialed you into 900.either way your fsh lsh will be identical. Let the extra exogenous test clear yur system and a month to 6 weeks should do it. You may even go cold turkey 0 for a couple weeks then go back to your regular trt dose
He s right OP
U could TANK ur level s but then you ll be back. Best to come in as rx d and be on your way.

I try and be an afterthought w respect to my probation officer; I d do same w ur hormone doc. Best he see u less and give u more room to play AAS abuser, not user. I don t wear tank top s to my doc s OR or P O. Feigned compliance if u will.
The last time I was on trt and blasting when my doc wanted a blood test I qui tt cod turkey until I started feeling shitty then started pinning 50 MG test prop EOD and tested the day after last pin. Tested at 850 ng/dl and she thought was too high so I fired her I'm not ever going back to 350-400 where she wanted me