I'm trying to drop some poundage, I'm at 300 looking to get to 275 maybe lighter, do you guys think I'll be able to attain my goal using just T3 and Test Cyp??? Looking to run 8 weeks on both.
....tweaking your thyroid may be more harmful than beneficial my friend. Why are you 300 ?
Sendentary ?
Just a big boy ?
If your carrying lot s of fat, tests conversion to estro can have just the opposite effect your seeking unless you keep your estro in check with an ai....
Simple . . . do not eat after 4pm every day for 8 weeks and save yourself the money and rollercoaster of mind/body fuck going up and having to come down (PCT).
I gained the weight from being depressed for the last year and doing basiclly nothing. I'm 6' 4" so the 300 lbs dont look so bad on me but I've grow this gut that I'm VERY uncomfortable with. I know diet and exercise will get me where I want to be, but, like most people, I want a little something to help.
I've taken test cycles in the past with no ill effects so I don't think that'll be a problem.
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