6'3'' 200lbs 21yrs.. Need some help with Diet


Death B4 Dishonor
Hopin someone could tell me how many calories n grams of protein I need a day to get to 220-230 lean. I play alot of basketball 3-5 times a week so idk if thats goin to hinder my bulkin.

Greatly appreaciate any help guys!
well.. its tough to say..

but i would start at about 3500 calories and work my way up..

300g protein
350g carbs
97g fats


have you ever thought about hiring a nutritionist??

its not as simple as just following a macro split.. you have to eat the right foods at the right times
Not trying to just sound like a flat out doucher, but you probably just don't eat enough bro. My guess is that you've got at least one meal if not two meals out of the day you probably skimp on, start by bulking those meals up. Come up with some ideas for snacks to eat in class that won't get in the way of taking notes. Jerky and almonds is one of my favorites.
Ive thot about hiring one but funds are kinda on the short end right now but I greatly appreciate the help and input! And I dont think ur bein a doucher at all. I need all the help I can get and I take critisism well.. I have kinda high metabolism and eat every 2-3 hrs.
well.. its tough to say..

but i would start at about 3500 calories and work my way up..

300g protein
350g carbs
97g fats


have you ever thought about hiring a nutritionist??

its not as simple as just following a macro split.. you have to eat the right foods at the right times

Ive actually looked at ur prices and page and thot about emailing u about it