700mg test a week VS 1000mg

If you look closely at her lump it is down lower than a place cartilage could grow. Maybe if it was up a little bit higher than that would make sense. Can anyone else vouch for honkies diagnosis.

Looks like the xiphoid process to me. It's a part of the sternum that's not normally visible unless you're at very low body fat. Fun fact: The xiphoid process is one of the top causes of complications due to improperly performed CPR. It is often snapped off when the caregiver performs chest compressions too low, resulting in potential injury to internal organs. ;)

Edit: I thought you were swearing off AAS e92? I remember you having a thread at least regarding PCT...
Oh thanks halfwit. Like I said over the years I've seen a lot of body builders showing that bump. These people work hard to get all ripped like this woman has. Then out popps the xiphoid process dead center of the core. Looks weird. Her goals are achieved. But that damn xiphoid is rearing its ugly head that must be agrivating. Looks like there's something popping up in her bikini bottoms too. A big clitoris or a little pp ? She's a really weird dude!
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Oh thanks halfwit. Like I said over the years I've seen a lot of body builders showing that bump. These people work hard to get all ripped like this woman has. Then out popps the xiphoid process dead center of the core. Looks weird. Her goals are achieved. But that damn xiphoid is rearing its ugly head that must be agrivating. Looks like there's something popping up in her bikini bottoms too. A big clitoris or a little pp ? She's a really weird dude!

Lol, I know a gal built like her too. Really nice lady, but I have no doubt she'd bend a dude over and be able to rape him with her clitoris. Kind of makes me sad when they go that far, but everyone has an image in their mind as to what perfection is. :spin:
Lol, I know a gal built like her too. Really nice lady, but I have no doubt she'd bend a dude over and be able to rape him with her clitoris. Kind of makes me sad when they go that far, but everyone has an image in their mind as to what perfection is. :spin:

Would that be gay ? I dont see how it could be. You could try gay without being gay.
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Would that be gay ? I dont see how it could be. You could try gay without being gay.

I suppose if one were open to being penetrated, and the only dick in the room is yours - awww fuck it, yep, still gay. Lol.

But then again I'm one of those guys (while I don't really judge others; to each their own) that won't take a finger in the butt during a bj from a woman. No matter how amazing I hear it is, I just can't do it. :spin:
Oh ya for sure if your putting things up your butt its gay. I was talking more like just kissing and fucking her would that be gay because she looks like a dude and probably has a little dick like thing down there. Ok put it this way I couldn't get a boner for her at this point in her cycle its gone way too male. But if a dude was hot for her fucked her and liked it would he be gay ? I think he is but you couldn't say he was officially because its a loophole.
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Oh ya for sure if your putting things up your butt its gay. I was talking more like just kissing and fucking her would that be gay because she looks like a dude and probably has a little dick like thing down there. Ok put it this way I couldn't get a boner for her at this point in her cycle its gone way too male. But if a dude was hot for her fucked her and liked it would he be gay ? I think he is but you couldn't say he was officially because its a loophole.

Nah, just means that you'd be into masculine women. It's like guys that only fuck really fat chicks; I don't understand it as I doubt I could get hard, not to mention stay hard - but that kind of thing just turns their crank.

Of course if she has like a 3" clitoris, and you were to go down on it like a little pecker - that is kind of crossing a very strange line. :wiggle:
Its a loophole see its like ya he gave her a bj but its a chick so you'd still only technically be going down on a chick that was born a chick and because she on roids now has a big clit it doesn't have sperm in it so its still a big clit opposed to a little dick so ya still not gay technically. As far as fat chicks goes if its a hot fat cbick hell ya I'd do it but there's a difference between a hot fat chick and a fat and ugly one.
See, I can't even comprehend "hot fat chick". Sure, some have a pretty face, but Littlewit just won't have it. :p
A hot fat chick would be like sara jay or devin lee. Don't confuse fat with obesity. I'm like the dude version of that kind of chick. I'm fat but chicks still want my dick. My girl calls me big chunky. 511-250.
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i'm not new to steroids at all, but i am new to running test in high dosages. i have never gone over 525mg test a week because i was always busy stacking test with other shit at pretty high dosages like NPP and tren and deca, all that. i loved the results but now i just dont want the side effects. its not worth it.

test seems to make me calm, aggressive yet calm and happy. currently finishing my in my third week of test prop @ 700mg a week total and im thinking of upping the dose to 1000 for the rest of my blast. i have enough for that, but im just wondering if there will be any significant differences. thoughts?

I've always ran Test up to 700mg - this cycle I'm hitting a gram.
Progress coming much quicker at this dose for sure.

You'll need to keep estradiol in check for sure, I'm taking 0.5mg Adex daily.
I am also bang on with my diet - literally to the calorie!

And the diet alone is what matters my friend - because you can jack up as much Test as you like, but the results will be dictated predominantly by the diet.

Personally, in your case, I wouldn't jump as as high as a gram - I'd shoot for 750mg this cycle.
That's almost 50% more than you've ran before - see how that treats you.

Oh ya for sure if your putting things up your butt its gay

I'm the most heterosexual guy you'll ever meet - FACT!
But this statement is wrong!

My ex was a nurse, for a birthday present she bought me the 'Aneros MGX' (google it) - I knew it was a prostate massager and I told her to bluntly 'fuck off' - later that evening with a couple of vodkas on board, she showed me how to use it.

I'll cut the gory bits, but I had an 'O' that lasted 20mins, I almost passed out from the bliss, and I've never had an orgasm remotely like it since. (we split up a week later and I haven't had the balls to try it since!)

Just saying... :)
Your lucky she split sounds like she was trying to get you into doing not so hetro activities. Sooner or later you may have ended up in a pink tutu whistling dixie through a kazoo hangin out of your asshole.
Your lucky she split sounds like she was trying to get you into doing not so hetro activities. Sooner or later you may have ended up in a pink tutu whistling dixie through a kazoo hangin out of your asshole.

Don't knock it till you try it lol. Which is why I don't knock stuff like that - because I don't have the balls to try it. ;)

The aneros is actually what my brother was trying to talk my wife into surprising me with Ben. He swears by it, but I'm just not comfortable with the idea. I have zero doubts about my heterosexuality, and I don't judge that are gay - but I can only imagine how a man my size would look to the fly on the wall with a woman half my size dominating me rectally. :wiggle:
If you look closely at her lump it is down lower than a place cartilage could grow. Maybe if it was up a little bit higher than that would make sense. Can anyone else vouch for honkies diagnosis.

That is the cartilage at the very bottom of the sternum , if you follow the curve of her two lowest ribs you will see they meet at the lump , i am a mortician and see people with a huge knotch there sometimes when they are opened up , it is just usualy covered by fat