750mg Deca ? Anyone tried this ?


New member
Has anyone tried running 750mg of Deca before ? I hear about deca dick and what not lol , but im planning on running caber with it . What do you guys think ?
Why so much Deca.
I've used as much as 600 Mg a week, and that was plenty, if your product is Dosed Correctly.

I run Proviron with all my Cycles.

But especially with a Nandrolone, as they convert to Dihydronandrolone (DHN).
When DHN is taking up the Receptor instead of DHT, that will Kill your Libido.

Proviron being a DHT, will prevent the DHN from taking up the Androgen Receptor.

If you are Prone to Gyno or Progestagenic Side Effects.
Run the Caber.

I've personally found that keeping Estrogen In-Check with Aromasin.
And taking the Proviron, keeps everything in Gear................................ JP
Why not ? What's the rest of our cycle look like ? How high are you going to run your test ? I've ran deca at 900mg/week before. I've had problems with deca dick at 750 at times and at other times not at all. When I do I take caber. Sometimes I run low test with it, sometimes high test. I never know how my body's going to react till I take it. In any case the caber or prami is on hand and or if I'm running low test I'll bump the test up some. And I always run an ai with every cycle and of coarse hcg. Stop your deca two weeks before you stop your test. Runa proper pct and all should be well bro.
Ive run tren as high as 600mg per week and been good with sides so i think im pretty good when it comes to progestagenic sides . This is my first run with deca . Im pretty experienced with test and tren , winny and dbol , but deca im fairly new too . I keep hearing to try deca for a bulking cycle which is what my aim is . to gain some good mass over the winter .

Im just trying to test my logic that if im comfortable with 600mg tren then 750 deca shouldnt be so bad ?
Im planning on running test at 700mg for 10-15 weeks and deca at 750mg per week . I may even add 400mg tren in there for quite an ultimate bulk cycle . Being as the 19nors are high in this cycle im going to have caber and letro on me and be running the caber around week 3-5 and the letro at 0.25mg eod or e3d startin week 4-5 as well
Ive run tren as high as 600mg per week and been good with sides so i think im pretty good when it comes to progestagenic sides . This is my first run with deca . Im pretty experienced with test and tren , winny and dbol , but deca im fairly new too . I keep hearing to try deca for a bulking cycle which is what my aim is . to gain some good mass over the winter .

Im just trying to test my logic that if im comfortable with 600mg tren then 750 deca shouldnt be so bad ?

If its your first time running deca then that changes things. I'd start at maybe 500mg/wk and see how your body reacts to that first. May be all you need. You don't want to start off that high bro. Test your body to see what it reacts to. Start with 500 at the most. You can always go up from there.
I really like deca, so I can't help but think that you might too. If you've run 600 tren with manageable sides I think you'll be fine, even with 750 mg/wk if you so chose.

Just be aware that with a 14 day half life it takes forever to bleed down after you stop. Look at the chart below, it shows you need 6 whole weeks after your last injection to get down to where nandrolone blood levels would be roughly equal to how much test your body makes. So best not to start a PCT until 6 weeks after last shot, at 750 mg/wk deca.

View attachment 566949

And, as Manski says run test a few weeks longer than deca.
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Ive run tren as high as 600mg per week and been good with sides so i think im pretty good when it comes to progestagenic sides . This is my first run with deca . Im pretty experienced with test and tren , winny and dbol , but deca im fairly new too . I keep hearing to try deca for a bulking cycle which is what my aim is . to gain some good mass over the winter .

Im just trying to test my logic that if im comfortable with 600mg tren then 750 deca shouldnt be so bad ?
as long as you properly manage it you should get some good mass gains this winter. when do you plan on starting?
Hey man, jp4355 and tank have told you right on good input.

And I just wanna speak to you and others concerning doing high doses , if you will ?

My favorite cycles have been Test only both E And P, with combined dose 1 -1/2 grams even up to 1,800 mg week. Good strength Gaines and other while stay very lean,. As close to no additional water gains.
Just saying 600 - 750 for Deca is a good spot if you can control the sides. Also yes you need run Test out longer because of the lasting nandrolone in your system.
Mike on the 1,500 mg/wk test dose what did you do for AI? Did you just take 3x what you would use for 500 mg/wk?
I should have know you would ask me a real technical, ha ha LOL :laugh3: , sad to say I'm not sure. I was always using Arimidex liquid back then and I remember me having problems and upped it to 0.5 mgs ED. I couldn't do enough BW so I did have a time finding a balance using my self body keenness.

So good point here.... to tell the noobs :Pat: It is hard to get the AI on the mark with the higher doses of the Aromatizing compounds.
