750mg Test E Cycle With Other Compounds


New member

This is my third cycle. Last one was 2 years ago. Currently I am 197lbs, 5' 8, not sure bodyfat but a bit of a gut as I have an office job. Ive started hitting the gym again. Not really trying to lean up, mainly just get my stomach flat and get bigger and bulkier meaning broader shoulders, chest, arms and get some strength back in my legs and lower back.

I am taking 750mg per week Test E and 40mg per day Winstrol. I am also taking adex and ephedrine and t3. I would say Ive lost a good bit of my gut in 2 weeks. It doesn't stick out as much in my clothes. Not really seeing any change in size but Im stronger and the same weight so guessing something is working.

Got a few questions. Firstly how long will this Test E take to "kick in". Its pretty hard to do really heavy sessions without oil running through my system. I am trying my best but really need this to kick in so I can get my appetite back and stay on track.

Secondly, this is my proposed cycle:

Week 1-16: 750mg Test E
Week 1-8: 40mg Winstrol ED (Oral)
Week 8-16: Tren A 200mg? Per Week

Is the tren too low? A buddy of mine is taking it and is acting a bit like a retard, going ape shit and got sacked from his job. Im pretty certain its the tren but being an idiot doesnt help. I want to take the minimum dosage for results. I dont want any roid rage bullshit side effects.

Im taking in around 5000k per day, 350g protein, probably 400g carbs, rest fats. Ive got it written down but can't be bothered to go through it all again. I am aiming to gain 30-40lbs from this cycle?

If your cutting then you shouldn't be gaining any weight at all. Pick one bulk or cut and stick with it. Drop the Winston IMO your not doing a show and all it's going to do is drop water weight and make your tendons weaker.
Hey mate,

I did say in my post Im not looking to cut, just get my gut flat. I've got some good strength gains from Winstrol in the past, will see what some of the other members have to say
I would recommend cutting a bit of fat first. You say that you want to get rid of your gut which is great but that does involve losing body fat. Maybe clean up the diet for a couple of months and throw in some solid cardio with your weight training and then run the cycle. You will struggle to eat to grow and lose the gut while on cycle. I think winstrol is a good compound as long as you can stand the joint effects. Good luck bud.
Tren doesn't make you an asshole, it just helps your inner asshole come out if he exists. ;) I don't think 8 weeks of tren is enough, but that's up to you.

Do you have any experience with 19-nors? If not, I'd skip the tren for now and try nandrolone next time (NPP/deca) as they bring their own issues to the table.

No, you won't gain 30lbs from this or any other cycle, unless you include water and fat. I'd aim for 7-10lbs as a realistic goal, and that's only if diet and training are in check.

My .02c :)
You ask how long it takes for test e to kick in? You probably should know that. 4-6 weeks. Then you mention that you cant lift hard till you have oil running through your veins. What is the point of that? So you only lift on cycle? No wonder you got in the situation your in. Laziness. Your looking for that magic pill. All you need is dedication and diet. Can't believe some of these threads...
Up the tren lower the test to maybe 500 i use less but 500 is good and youll get the desired look you mentioned in your post. You get less moody pinning ed but eod is ok just have to make sure you get sleep thats when you become a asshole lack of sleep.
How come you think I wont gain 30lbs? 10lbs seems really measly compared to what I am eating and taking?

10-15 LPs max of muscle I'd say, but when your off you'll have to eat double what you ate to maintain that muscle too. bro. 30LBS OF WEIGHT, thats a lot of times water. I knew guys who dropped 10-13lbs in ONE DAY!!!! before a wrestling meet. But that doesn't mean its all FAT. maybe 1-2lbs was fat, the rest was water.
Up the tren lower the test to maybe 500 i use less but 500 is good and youll get the desired look you mentioned in your post. You get less moody pinning ed but eod is ok just have to make sure you get sleep thats when you become a asshole lack of sleep.

Wouldn't you like 400-500mg of tren ace and about 200-300mg of test prop =).
Hey mate,

I did say in my post Im not looking to cut, just get my gut flat. I've got some good strength gains from Winstrol in the past, will see what some of the other members have to say

Why do you need strength gains,, do you plan on competing as a power lifter.

If not, the winny is just a waste of gear at this level
How come you think I wont gain 30lbs? 10lbs seems really measly compared to what I am eating and taking?

Because 30lbs of muscle in 3 months just isn't possible unless you're hypogonadal and severely underweight. Even then, I just can't see it happening. 30lbs of lean mass in a YEAR is maybe doable, but you really have to have diet and training laser-sight dialed in.

I'm not saying this because I doubt you, it's because I've been in the BB/PL world for over 20 years, and have seen some crazy gains - but that's just a bit much to expect. Every time I see guys claim crazy weight gain from a cycle, it's because they either didn't run an AI (stay-puft marshmallow man anyone?), or they way overshot caloric intake and put on a significant amount of fat at the same time.

Edit: Next time you're in the grocery store, I want you to pick up a 5lb log of hamburger. Now visualize SIX of those added to your body that quickly. ;)
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Because 30lbs of muscle in 3 months just isn't possible unless you're hypogonadal and severely underweight. Even then, I just can't see it happening. 30lbs of lean mass in a YEAR is maybe doable, but you really have to have diet and training laser-sight dialed in.

I'm not saying this because I doubt you, it's because I've been in the BB/PL world for over 20 years, and have seen some crazy gains - but that's just a bit much to expect. Every time I see guys claim crazy weight gain from a cycle, it's because they either didn't run an AI (stay-puft marshmallow man anyone?), or they way overshot caloric intake and put on a significant amount of fat at the same time.

Edit: Next time you're in the grocery store, I want you to pick up a 5lb log of hamburger. Now visualize SIX of those added to your body that quickly. ;)

Lol I get what your trying to say now. Ok I will try to make that a years goal. So I will try to pack on 40lbs within 12 months from this cycle.

Why do you need strength gains,, do you plan on competing as a power lifter.

If not, the winny is just a waste of gear at this level

No, not a powerlifter but I like lifting heavy and really want to push myself. Thats why Winny or you reckon no?

Wouldn't you like 400-500mg of tren ace and about 200-300mg of test prop =).

10-15 LPs max of muscle I'd say, but when your off you'll have to eat double what you ate to maintain that muscle too. bro. 30LBS OF WEIGHT, thats a lot of times water. I knew guys who dropped 10-13lbs in ONE DAY!!!! before a wrestling meet. But that doesn't mean its all FAT. maybe 1-2lbs was fat, the rest was water.

Up the tren lower the test to maybe 500 i use less but 500 is good and youll get the desired look you mentioned in your post. You get less moody pinning ed but eod is ok just have to make sure you get sleep thats when you become a asshole lack of sleep.

I think I am going to drop my cycle to 500mg Test E per week. To be honest I dont care if it takes longer. Im trying to go for a safe route.

You ask how long it takes for test e to kick in? You probably should know that. 4-6 weeks. Then you mention that you cant lift hard till you have oil running through your veins. What is the point of that? So you only lift on cycle? No wonder you got in the situation your in. Laziness. Your looking for that magic pill. All you need is dedication and diet. Can't believe some of these threads...

I feel this is unfair bro. I have been out of the gym for a long long time. A lot of shit happened in my life that wouldnt allow me to continue training. I get the point but its unfair. I plan to stick to it this time around.
I don't think you should use winny. Your looking for quick results. It takes time. Considering u like lifting heavy, that would be a recipe for injury. Do 500-750mgs of test with an ai and go to town. Don't hurt yourself...
I'd drop the winny,, it's not really in line with your goals.. And lifting heavy you may want to run a nandrolone to help with the joints as well as mass.

Personally something like this is more in line with your goals

500 mg test e - weeks 1-16
100 mg eod test prop - weeks 1-5
400 mg NPP - weeks 1-14

Simple and effective for mass gains while benefiting the joints.
You may run higher dosages
My avi not saying i look all that was on no weights just bands and body weight lentils and rice cuz i was broke for 1 year thats why i admire my friend tren so much
My avi not saying i look all that was on no weights just bands and body weight lentils and rice cuz i was broke for 1 year thats why i admire my friend tren so much

Keeps you an anabolic bad ass mofo no matter what life throws at you huh..
Keeps you an anabolic bad ass mofo no matter what life throws at you huh..

Thats the truth i couldn't even afford good food and even then i kept tightening up and growing got good at foreign exercises like pullups dips burpees and still weigh 270