8 weeks out from contest!!


New member
Well I am getting there. 8 weeks away.

Currently weighing 210lbs.

I figure I have another 10lbs to lose, so I should be in the top of the light-heavies.

Let me know what you think needs work on.
fuck crazy mike, i almost forgot about you.LOL!! Looking fuckin swole bro, esp da wheels. Keep the pics comin mike!
that is right...block the emergency exit..let them get through you first :p

nice poses and damn legs.

can I request lat shots?? front and back ^^

always liked those poses

You'e coming in very nicely. Wheels are asbolutely amazing bro, that first shot on the second post is sick!!
crazymike said:
Thanks guys. What do you see as improvements that need to be made?

The only and I stress the "only" things I see are maybe work a little more on the side delts and add a bit more mass to your lower/middle back. But i'm no expert. Other than that, absolutely solid mike !!:)
looking great Mike...legs are awesome! can see the vascularity coming in nicely.

oh i barely noticed ya w/o the goatee
Coming together nice bro!
Still I have to say that you could work the back alittle more, but it's looking great now!
Crazy forearms!
Legs are jacked up. For some reason I pictured you being like 6'3, you look a lot taller than 5'9''. All around looking good, I agree with about 10 more lbs, you'll still be big and even more ripped. GJ.