8 weeks out from contest!!

Damm skintight crazy legs bro.You looking top notch.As your bf drops even more I think your whole overrall v tapered shape will increase.So your side delts will pop,your back will widen and your abbs will be diced.Keep it up brother and keep us posted.
I think you look good, but honestly, you need to focus more on your back. Traps as well. I think your back could use a little bit more thickness and your traps could use a little more height in the front, as well as some thickness in the back. Your back does appear wide and the tighter you get the more the V-Taper will come out, but I don't really see a lot of things "popping" out back there.

If I were you, now I'm not telling you what to do, but this is what I would personally do. If I were you, I focus on all of my back movements very sharply. Your not going to gain anymore mass right now, so there is no point in just pulling the weight for that. I would take the Charles Glass approach and just focus on squeezing the muscle with lighter weights and really strict form. This is what I have seen him do with guys right up to the show. I would perform my pulldowns sitting straight up and seriously concentrating on bringing the bar down slowly to feel the contraction. Wide grip and close grip. If you can get your hands on BFTO 99 you'll see what I am talking about with Cormier and Wheeler. Do seated cable rows with your upper body at a 75-80 degree angle and pull the handle in really slow and controlled. You'll have to use lighter weight for this, but it will definetly make a difference. Two arm db rows performed on a incline bench, bring the weight up slow and squeeze. Then last but definetly not least, Rows in the corner with the close grip pulldown attachment. Use the 25lb plates so you can extend the range of motion. Then for traps I would not shrug straight up and down, but rather forcus on pulling your elbows straight back at the top, then letting your arms go straight in the starting position. If you step away from your computer right now and perform these with no weight, your will feel it pinch your upper back/middle trap area, which is where i see you need some work. Perform them like normal db shrugs. Arms straight in the begining position, then shrug up as high as you can making sure you elbows go back as far as they can. Then back down to the arms straight position. I know, I know, the magazines say never shrug with bent arms, but to hell with that for now. Just try this motion and you will see what I am talking about.

I am only trying to help bro. These are the flaws I see, and what I have posted above is what I think will help you out. These are not my theories, but they have came from the worlds best bodybuilding trainer. If you do decide to take my advice, which I hope you will ,or at least try, perform these very slow. This is not about how much weight you can hoist. Perform these to where you can squeeze the muscle and feel it work. Hold the contraction for 2 seconds at the top. Go for the feel. Your not putting on mass right now, but rather filling in holes.

Like I said, your back is wide, you just need to fill the rest in. Other than that, I think you are on target. Oh, and before I forget, I would like to see a little bit more seperation in your upper chest/front deltoid area. I think some front raises performed strictly would take care of that. Just bring the db up slowly. Some upright rows thrown in for good measure wouldn't hurt either to really seperate the traps, delts, and chest area. I think a good superset of front raises and upright rows just might do the trick.

Good luck with your show bro. You have how long? 8 weeks to improve, man you have plenty of time. Get to work and give em hell.
Beefeater - Appreciate the advice. I will def. try those out. I am always looking for new things, and am always willing to try.
The weird thing is that this past 2 years I WAS focusing more on my back. If you look at my workouts, you will see that back day was always brutal. I just hope that as I get leaner more things will start to appear. Like rhomboids, etc.
I guess we will see in a few weeks.
Thanks again!!
dvssky said:
Oh and what are you running at presant bro if you dont mind me asking? :)

Sorry for the delay in getting you an answer. Somehow I missed your post the first time.
Currently I am running:

  • Test Enth - 1000 / week
  • Tren Enth - 400 / week
  • EQ - 600 / week

At 6 weeks out, I will be switching the Test Enth to Prop.

Then at 4 weeks out I will drop the EQ and up the Tren and add Halos at 40mg/day

2 weeks out I I will drop the Tren, then 1 week out I will drop the Test, and the Halos will be run until like a day or 2 before the show.

We will see how it goes!!
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would have guessed you taller than 5'9" your pictures make you look long, but of course pictures make things look different. great quads bro!
crazymike said:
Sorry for the delay in getting you an answer. Somehow I missed your post the first time.
Currently I am running:

  • Test Enth - 1000 / week
  • Tren Enth - 400 / week
  • EQ - 600 / week

At 6 weeks out, I will be switching the Test Enth to Prop.

Then at 4 weeks out I will drop the EQ and up the Tren and add Halos at 40mg/day

2 weeks out I I will drop the Tren, then 1 week out I will drop the Test, and the Halos will be run until like a day or 2 before the show.

We will see how it goes!!
Cheers bro.You are looking awsome.Keep us updated how you are dialing in.I think you going to look pretty damm good come show day mate :)