8 year break from AAS- 1st cycle back Test Primo or just straight Test


New member
Wondering what you guys think - I've taken about 8 years off of AAS, did Dbol, Winstrol (winny), T Enan, Sustanon (sust), Deca etc -

Been lifting off and on those 8 years, past 3 years more seriously, past year religiously.

Looking to put on ZERO bloat/water and maybe only adding 10-15lbs, maybe a little recomp too

6' 185 about 9% looking to get to 200 9% or even 190-95 6-7%bf

Was thinking 12 weeks
Test Cyp 200mg
Primo 500mg

Maybe even anavar? Will be running anti e's as well, thinking ADex throughout the whole cycle to eliminate any water. I know it will hinder gains a little but I don't want any water.
