80mgs of anavar. How much creatine?


Big Mac Heart Attack
I want to bulk on this cycle, but limit fat intake and do a little cardio to keep off some extra fat. I will be doing 10 weeks of anavar at 80mgs. How much creatine should I use since oxandralone helps with creatine absorption?

And will good o'l creatine monohydrate do? I don't want to waste my money on other creatines, IMO i've tried them all and they all do the same shit...Water and bloat...

And last, is it ok to mix with protein shake before and after, or it's absoultely nessesary to take 30 minutes before a shake with some glucose...thanks for input
Hey buddy I'd definately invest in some CEE, the stuff is amazing..I found best results with 2mg early AM, and then 2mg again post workout..You only need a little of CEE not like the standard 5mg of mono....at too higher doses I started to get heart palpitations so maybe you want to be a little careful...

CEE aparantly doesn't need the carbs to go with it like mono but why risk it... slug the pills down with some lucozade.

I pumped up almost as much on CEE as I do on Var..the two combined should be pretty impressive!
Lucky13 said:
Hey buddy I'd definately invest in some CEE, the stuff is amazing..I found best results with 2mg early AM, and then 2mg again post workout..You only need a little of CEE not like the standard 5mg of mono....at too higher doses I started to get heart palpitations so maybe you want to be a little careful...

CEE aparantly doesn't need the carbs to go with it like mono but why risk it... slug the pills down with some lucozade.

I pumped up almost as much on CEE as I do on Var..the two combined should be pretty impressive!
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str8cubano said:
I want to bulk on this cycle, but limit fat intake and do a little cardio to keep off some extra fat. I will be doing 10 weeks of anavar at 80mgs. How much creatine should I use since oxandralone helps with creatine absorption?

And will good o'l creatine monohydrate do? I don't want to waste my money on other creatines, IMO i've tried them all and they all do the same shit...Water and bloat...

And last, is it ok to mix with protein shake before and after, or it's absoultely nessesary to take 30 minutes before a shake with some glucose...thanks for input

THis whole idea sounds bad too me.
superman77 said:
cubano you should reserch more this creatine shit is just funny
I know how to use creatine, just wanted to see if anyone has taking more creatine than the normal when on anavar because anavar allows for more creatine absorption in the body.
Yeah I agree with rocco ... since it inhibits you may want to run an HRT dose of Test just to keep yourself topped up...I know your worried about Test sides but a 100-150mg a week HRT dose wouldn't be any diff then your own levels so sides shoudn't be a prob...I noticed a little lethargie after 3-4weeks and this may be because of low test levels.

Are you still going to run 80mg for 10weeks ?
Lucky13 said:
Yeah I agree with rocco ... since it inhibits you may want to run an HRT dose of Test just to keep yourself topped up...I know your worried about Test sides but a 100-150mg a week HRT dose wouldn't be any diff then your own levels so sides shoudn't be a prob...I noticed a little lethargie after 3-4weeks and this may be because of low test levels.

Are you still going to run 80mg for 10weeks ?

Now we are getting somewhere.

WHat is this cycle supposed to be? A bulker or a cutter?
Anavar can be included in abulker and is somewhat usefull for this purpose. IT yields good strength and does a great job of putting on lean muscle. Without test though it is a waste of time.
Not sure if it is a complete waste of time, I've put on a good 10lbs of quality muscle with just Anavar (var) but I have had to squeeze every last ounce out of my cycle...and I mean squeeeeeeze with a capital S . If I run Anavar (var) again I would definately stack it with test just so I don't train and eat myself into mindless oblivion.
Lucky13 said:
Not sure if it is a complete waste of time, I've put on a good 10lbs of quality muscle with just Anavar (var) but I have had to squeeze every last ounce out of my cycle...and I mean squeeeeeeze with a capital S . If I run Anavar (var) again I would definately stack it with test just so I don't train and eat myself into mindless oblivion.

No one here is saying that he needs alot of test but a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dose to 250mg EW would make it much better. No one should run 10 weeks of Anavar (var) at 80mg ED though. Just my 2c
roccodart440 said:
Anavar can be included in abulker and is somewhat usefull for this purpose. IT yields good strength and does a great job of putting on lean muscle. Without test though it is a waste of time.
It is embarrasing that you on are this board and give other people advice with comments like the one above. I have put on and kept over the last 2 years 15lbs of lean muscle mass because of anavar..and I have done test and dbol deca winstrol eq everything in the book before I stayed with anavar.

You keep gains with anavar, so drol up all you want, lets see how much you keep afterwards...only expereinced bros that know what they are doing can keep gains after test. I see it come and go, from other bros and from expereince. But a waste of time? Sorry dude, maybe your talking from personal expereince but the most gains I have ever made have been from 40mgs of anavar.
str8cubano said:
It is embarrasing that you on are this board and give other people advice with comments like the one above. I have put on and kept over the last 2 years 15lbs of lean muscle mass because of anavar..and I have done test and dbol deca winstrol eq everything in the book before I stayed with anavar.

You keep gains with anavar, so drol up all you want, lets see how much you keep afterwards...only expereinced bros that know what they are doing can keep gains after test. I see it come and go, from other bros and from expereince. But a waste of time? Sorry dude, maybe your talking from personal expereince but the most gains I have ever made have been from 40mgs of anavar.

Like me? 242-266 on test/anavar and kept every pound I gained and after a 3 moth post cycle therapy (pct) bench pressed 5 pounds more than while I was one cycle. Keepable gains are the ones that aren't water weight. Run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on test and you get less weight gain but keep more. A good post cycle therapy (pct) is crucial too. I am talking from personal experience that has taken me from 242-280 and has me bench pressing 705 pounds. And I should be embarrased for the adive I give. Whatever.
I'd agree with both of you, Anavar (var) is great as long as your realistic with what it can and can't do...

str8cubano if ya gonna do 10weeks at 80mg then I'd def get some bloodwork done after week 6.... this way you can decide there and then if you should continue.