900units Insulin - Side Effects


New member
Hello everyone.
I'm a 32 year old strength enthusiast. Have been training for a few years and not used any pharmaceuticals except what I have noted below.

I suffer from clinical depression and ADHD. A few months ago I went through my worst bout of depression and contemplated suicide. After researching various means I decided on using an overdose of Insulin.

I started my 1st day with 10iu..nothing. Then 30iu..nothing.
That kept escalating... 100iu.. 300iu...till in the end on April 19, 2014 I took 900units (Nine hundred) of Humalog Lispro direct release insulin. That's 3 vials. That gave me a severe hypoglycemia, a wretched one hour of pain , severe needle stings from the injections since my pen allowed me to only inject 60units at a time. No death.

I am back with my psychiatrist and also undergoing counseling for the past few months and glad to say my depression is under control.

What I wanted to know is are there any side effects because of it?
*Fat gain on the sites where I injected it?
*Any change in the LPL or HSL receptors in that area?
*I am asking because after going through a low carb diet for the past few weeks it looked like I am not losing any fat from my belly area. But previously when I used to cut carbs like I did..I used to lean out nicely. So did my suicide attempt change something in my body or perhaps my current diet and training is not as strict as it was before?

Thank you for your time.
Please note that currently my depression is completely under control. Also I put this query here and not on any diabetes site cause I don't suffer from diabetes.
I don't have anything to add in regards to your question.

I hope you continue to see people to work to control this, it's tougher on people who suffer from such things im sure. Just happy you're still around. Take care of yourself!
Thank you ADenver and Megatron. Yes- very lucky indeed and in control now.
Is it possible for you to guide me to someone on this forum or perhaps a new site who can hep me with my queries...someone who's used Insulin a lot.
We could answer some of your questions, but it's best you go ask a medical professional.
If this was your first attempt at suicide, most likely it will not be your last...but YOU and only YOU are in control no matter what statistics say.
I'm glad you're still around so keep it that way!
@PacificRim: yep. I asked my shrink about it. He just asked me to focus on the recovery and thank my luck that the overdose did not do anything to me. I won't go to my family doc because she is a family friends and she definitely will tell my family.
Nope! 1st and last attempt! Never again!
Thanks for the wishes.

For those who are interested, I also posted this on some diabetes forums- here's one that answered my Qs:
The injection sites will likely have hyperlipotrophy for some time, which is essentially a swelling of the fatty tissues under the skin. This will give the appearance of lumps that may harden over time, but will eventually go away.

As far as any damage to your metabolism, it's doubtful that you did permanent damage in regards to not being able to lose body fat, but a blood panel can easily verify this. I cannot imagine a fast acting insulin which has a relatively short half-life being in your system to create insulin resistance to any degree, but I'm also not a doctor either.

900IU is an ass-ton of insulin to take at once, and I'm wondering if perhaps you lucked out by injecting degraded vials as they do not keep well outside the fridge. That would be my guess as I have been at very low blood sugar values with much, much less insulin. (I am an insulin dependent diabetic)

I don't have a clue about any potential receptor damage, so I won't comment there. I do hope folks realize how INSANELY lucky you are to not be taking a dirt nap, or have some serious brain damage as a result of this. I truly hope you have ironed out your personal issues, as there is always a better solution to any problem than killing oneself.

My .02c
No, ya neurotic bastard, you are fine :bash:

Stop cutting carbs and start counting calories. You aren't leaning out because you aren't in a caloric deficit or you are being impatient. The bigger the deficit, the faster the weight loss. Too big a deficit will start burning muscle though. Aim for 1-2 lbs of FAT loss per week, depending on your level of leanness. If you are very lean, you will want to lose fat very slowly in order to avoid side effects.

I think putting all of your focus into a solid cut will help you with your issues. Keep your mind occupied on a goal and work towards it. Happiness = Something to do, something to love and something to hope for.
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hello brother! we are all vry happy tht u survived tht attack! v all face times like these in life and it is in these times tht we all need good friends and family around us ! whatever it is trust me it will PAAS ! no matter how bad the situation is no matter how much u would want to stay there in the situation it wil paas with time!

but steps taken at tht time are gonna stay with u forever ! take it as a lesson bro tht u used insulin at tht time it didnt kill u but it could have left you with some serious effects which could have been worse than dying !

imagine ppl with disabilities and be thankful tht v have the bodies to do anything tht we want !
i think you should be surrounded by positive ppl! see how many brothers are helping u out here !

stay positive and remember IF ITS NOT YOUR TIME ITS NOT YOUR TIME so no matter wat u try if its not ur time u will be here !
take care of urself!