a bit confused Questions regarding Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and post cycle therapy (pct) timings


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a bit confused Questions regarding HCG and PCT timings

Sorry for the newbish question but I am doing a ton of research before i start my cycle and would just like to clear some things up but you said

My questions are for this guide steroidology.com/forum/anabolic-steroid-forum/642622-cycleing-beginners-guide-your-first-cycle.html

"Hcg 1000iu everyday for 10days leading up to your post cycle therapy (pct)", Does this mean that after the 10th day "11th day" i could start my post cycle therapy (pct) or

"Now after your last shot you need to wait for 2.5 weeks to let the testosterone clear out of your system before you start the most important part of your cycle THE POST CYCLE THERAPY or post cycle therapy (pct) for short .The quality of you post cycle therapy (pct) is what determines how much of your new muscle will stay with you provided you eat rite and train hard" - Or do you mean by the last HCG 1000iu shot i have to wait 2.5 weeks or is it the last test-E shot you mean?

Now since test-E is on a 12 week duration but Exemestance (aromasin) is on a 15 week duration does that mean Its safe to continue with taking the aromasin during all this post cycle therapy (pct) and HCG usage?

Once again im very sorry for the newbish question but i just want to be 100% crystal clear on the cycle process before i start my own. Thank you for your time.
First, post cycle therapy (pct) for a test E cycle should start 15-18 days after your last test pin.
HCG should stop 4 days before you start post cycle therapy (pct).
There are two schools of thought on how to use HCG. Personally, I prefer to run it on cycle rather than blast it afterwards like the sticky says. For on cycle use, start around week 2, pin 250iu of HCG twice a week. Same day as test is the easiest, but HCG is usually pinned sub q with a slin pin, so same time but different syringe from test. The timing of the last pin is more important than that of the first, so if you have enough, start at week 2, if you only have 1 5000iu vial, count backwards to determine your start date, probably around week 4. If you choose to blast at the end, same applies, last one 4 days before, count backwards to find the first.
I REALLY STRONGLY recommend you take the time to make a calendar before you start. Map out every pin and pill, always know what you're going to take on any given day before you start. Always assume you will loose some gear and order a little more than you need.

You can run the aromasin past your last test pin, but I would stop it before post cycle therapy (pct).

There's a lot of other good first cycles posted on various threads here. Search around, it's always good to get a few different opinions.
Thank you for your help, your right about the calendar i was actually just thinking about doing that there are alot of timings i need to be fully aware of and its all pretty hard to keep track of
Yup, I always make one.

By the way, forgot to ask, how old are you? What are your stats?
whew, that's a relief. 24 is a bit young, but close enough. I usually make it a rule to ask first before giving advice.

I would go with test E or C, 500/week for 12-14 weeks. I would order 30ml of 250mg/ml MINIMUM
I use adex instead of aromasin, no reason, just what I started with. For adex I use 1/2mg E3D or EOD as needed (or ED if that's what it takes). Not sure on aromasin dosage
PCT of Clomid at 50/50/50/50 and Nolva at 20/20/20/20 should do. Some might say to double it for the first week, but probably not necessary for this cycle.
I'm going to go against a lot of peoples opinions here and say you could do a dbol kick starter as well. 20-30mg/day for the first 4 weeks. Add NAC and ALA for liver protection if you do.

It's worth researching HCG a little more before you go shopping. You'll probably need to order Bac water and sterile mixing vials to go with it. Also, HCG is usually pinned sub q with a slin pin, so add those to the list.
Alright man, Thanks once again for your help. I gotta head to bed now since its 10:30pm where i live currently and i gotta get up at 6:00am for work. Could I talk you more about this tomorrow?
Could i start taking the H.C.G 250 ui 2 weeks in? 2x a week lined up with the Test-e shots 4 days prior to post cycle therapy (pct) also i thought about the dbol kick starter and if i was to use the dbol and the liver proctor NAC and AlA whats the dosage and timing like on thouse 2 protectors?