A-bombs and weightgain

Hey bros,

It´s time for me to stop complaining about not gaining weight. I´ve been on 1 g Sust/week and 50mg A-bomb ED for 2 weeks now. I´m up about 20 lbs, just waiting for the Sustanon (sust) to kick in. :D I was planning on running the a-bombs for 5 weeks straight but I´m getting a little freaked out about my health. This beeing the first time I use Anadrol and all. I´ve put on, at the most 10-15lb in a whole cycle.

I´m basically looking for your experiences with Anadrol. How long were you on it? Dosages? Weightgain? Sides? Just share whatever you want about the drol here. Also, I have no pain in my kidneys, I feel fine, diet looks good and all. So it´s all good.. for the moment atleast.

It kinda makes me feel like crap - kinda like I feel right now. When I eat on it I tend to gag on food, and right now I have diarreah and aches all over. I don't know if the abombs caused this, but it ain't so cool.

It also really raises my bp to the point that I can feel pressure in my head when I bend over to tie my shoes.

I was on it for 4 weeks once before I quit due to the unpleasant experience. The upside is that I gained a lot of size and strength. Something like 15 lbs. I don't recall how much I kept especially since I switched from bulking to cutting mid cycle.

I was thinking of running it for 6 weeks this time but I'm going to play it by ear, might just switch to dbol. I do take lots of liver protectants. ALA, vitamins C and E, NAC, Co-Q10, flax oil.
Geez my first post on my fav oral...well my experience is that people either do really well on abombs or hate them. Personally I do really well, but I do notice BP goes up and I feel kinda sluggish when on, until I hit the gym that is and then strength is unreal and pumps even moreso.

For a first time abomb user I would say your gains are still a little better then average, you must have a natural affinity to them. Drink lots of water, think about running milk thistle with it, and be ready, you will probably lose alot of water. BTW I had an old source that use to tell me to switch around week 4 to dbol, and it seemed to lessen the "crash" of losing weight\strength going off of anadrol.

BTW, congratulations guys you have a great board.
Not a big fan of anadrol, but Sustanon (sust) will kick in by week 6. It is a slow acting ester. But i am a huge fan of Sustanon (sust). Love the stuff!!!
I gained 25lbs in 16 days on it, with 5 more days left. But I stopped due to the headaches from high blood pressure and nose bleeds.
i am on a gram a week of qv test along with 400 deca, i ran 100mg a day of a-dral for the first 5 weeks. my brother did notice i was holding a bit of water. i switched to dbal for a few weeks, then stoped. i had lost a few pounds and a little strength. this is my 2nd cycle, ive put on 50 pounds sense september, bench press went from 330 to 470.
When I think of Anadrol, I think of high school. I remember it being so popular 10-15 years ago, but now I don't know anybody who takes it. For one, I haven't seen anybody keep any decent gains from it. Dbol is much more popular these days and less toxic. It's not great for you, but it's still not as harsh on the organs as anadrol.

Personally, I would take Sustanon (sust) or an enantate and front load it with dbol for four weeks. The dbol gives terrible side effects for me, but when I dropped the dose, I still benefited and was less symptomatic.
Just my 2 cents.
I loved anadrol the pumps after lifting were amazing freakish almost and it gave me a euphoric feeling kinda like some people say dbol does. Too bad the weight gains are almost all water. I personally like it but it causes me to have prostate probs so no more for me.
Thanks for sharing everyone!

Trevdog - What was your dosage? Anadrol makes me almost eat my furniture. I just can´t stop eating. Only "clean" foods though.

Ogre - Yes, I seem to really grow on drol. I´m prepared to loose some weight when I stop though. After 5 weeks, if all goes well, I´ll jump over to dbol. I still have about 950 tabs akrihin to taper off with :) As I said, I was thinking of running the drol for 5 weeks, then lower the test to about 500-750mg/week and running anywhere from 40-60mg dbol for atleast 6 weeks. It all depends on how my gyno is acting up. (Feeling a little sore already but I ALWAYS get sore and get a lump under my left nipple when using test) It also subsides everytime so I don´t really see any need for an Anti-E. Stupid maybe, but it works for me.

Rhino58 - Sustanon (sust) kicks in week 3-4. Except for the old Omnadren that only took about 2 weeks for me. Man! I loved that stuff. The new Omnas don´t seem to have the same punch to it. Go figure.

Jouko99 - Puhutko sinä suomia? I would have loved to try test, deca and dbol/drol but I´m on propecia at the moment so I got rid of my decas a while back.

compman - I once did a 16 weeker. Started at 1g omna (the old ones) per week and 60mg Thai dbol for 6 weeks. Took the remaining 10 weeks to taper off. I gained a shitload. Also gained some terrible acne. The acne on my back was so bad that when I popped a zit it kept bleeding for a week. The tissue never really did heal. I have to this day ugly scars on my back. May I ask what kind of sides you got from it?

The only sides I´ve gotten so far is;
Painful pumps. Feels like something is cooking inside the muscle I´m working.
Oily skin and some acne in my face. I´m looking for some B5 to throw at it though..

I didnt like it.... it made me waterboy... the gains went as the cycle stopped... ran it for 6 weeks @ 50mg ED.... hope that helps.....
DANCER said:
I didnt like it.... it made me waterboy... the gains went as the cycle stopped... ran it for 6 weeks @ 50mg ED.... hope that helps.....

Hey bro,

Did you stop cold turkey with the drol or did you taper off with some other AAS?
GeneticalChallenge said:
Thanks for sharing everyone!

Trevdog - What was your dosage? Anadrol makes me almost eat my furniture. I just can´t stop eating. Only "clean" foods though.

I started at 100 mgs. ed and after a week bumped it to 150. Now I'm running 100.
Anadrol is my favorite roid. Frankly I'm happy that everyone else believes all the bs lies about it being dangerous - because if nobody beleived the bad press about this drug - we would all be a hell of a lot bigger.

I love this drug because it gives rapid and perminant results.

My dosages usually range from 100mg - 250mg per day.

My friend did British Dragon Anadrol (only) for his very first (and only) cycle - 200mg per day for 3 weeks. He was 5'8 130 and now a month and a half after his cycle he is 155lbs and hasn't lost hardly anything. No I'm not even exagerating. His only negetive side effect was frequent nosebleeds - oh yeah and he got stretch marks on his traps - I've never seen stretchmarks on traps before... that was a trip... but yeah, anadrol is the shit as far as I'm concerned.
GeneticalChallenge said:
Thanks for sharing everyone!

Ogre - Yes, I seem to really grow on drol. I´m prepared to loose some weight when I stop though. After 5 weeks, if all goes well, I´ll jump over to dbol. I still have about 950 tabs akrihin to taper off with :) As I said, I was thinking of running the drol for 5 weeks, then lower the test to about 500-750mg/week and running anywhere from 40-60mg dbol for atleast 6 weeks. It all depends on how my gyno is acting up. (Feeling a little sore already but I ALWAYS get sore and get a lump under my left nipple when using test) It also subsides everytime so I don´t really see any need for an Anti-E. Stupid maybe, but it works for me.

nice choice on the Russians :cool: I like the way you have cycle constructed. one thing though--anti-e's--maybe now the swelling goes away, but sooner or later...give arimidex a shot. Nice drug even though it isn't cheap. Won't hinder your gains at all and I see alot of guys getting harder on it.
Good luck!