A few questions from a beginner

Still some questions on this HCG/BAC water mixing... and I apologize before hand if I sound completely out of whack..

From the videos I've watched on youtube, the 5000iu HCG comes in a vial as a powder, then you add 10ml to reconstitute it... then what? I'm guessing I draw that mixture from the vial and put it into more BAC water? If so, how much?

I find a ton of info on the subject, but its all over the place and each one seems to be a different method. I'm basically looking for a "HCG/BAC mixing for dummies" lol...

You're making it too hard.

Most HCG comes in 3ml or 1ml small vials in a freeze dried powder. Draw 5ml, whatever concentration of bac water you want to us. Inject (slowly) into the HCG vial 5ml, 1ml, whatever. Swirl it around (dont shake) until it dissolves. Draw all of that fluid up with the same pin/barrel (For the love of god please dont make me remind you to alcohol swab after every pull) and either put it into a sealed sterile larger vial, or make slin pins to freeze, etc...
ADenver, I figured I was... but your post just cleared it up for me.

Is there a benefit of doing 250iu/2x a week, or 500iu/1x a week? I'd prefer the 500iu/1x just due to less jabs.
If the aramosin is gtg, 50ct is plenty for a 10 week cycle. Take 1/2 q 3-4 days and go from there. What is the cycle layout? 750mg/week x 10?

Fuck Clomid... that shit is evil and useless for pct. You can use it, but you don't need it. You can also drive a car with your feet, but doesn't make it a good idea.

HCG s not necessary either. I've never used it and have recovered fine from numerous cycles of sizable note. Its up to you.

PCT Nolva and Aromasin for 4 weeks.
Hcg is absolutely beneficial to run on cycle - one of the best things to come to the AAS arsenal in a long time.. Can you recover without it like guys have for years, sure. Can u drive and old ford truck with a 460 v8 that gets 5 mpg, sure (but a newer Eco boost turbo that gets 25 mpg is way better)..

Might as well take what we've learned in the modern era and use it to our advantage
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I've not seen any info on running HCG "during" cycle. As I said, its a personal choice to use it during PCT... but its not necessary.

Search posts from Cashout on HCG... you might learn something.
I've not seen any info on running HCG "during" cycle. As I said, its a personal choice to use it during PCT... but its not necessary.

Search posts from Cashout on HCG... you might learn something.

Guys are running hcg during the whole duration of the cycle, NOT for pct,, hcg is dropped going into pct.
This isn't a new idea,, I'm sure it's the general consensus of most of the guys and vets on this forum.

Anybody wanna chime in here.. How many of you run hcg the duration of your cycle?
I do
Guys are running hcg during the whole duration of the cycle, NOT for pct,, hcg is dropped going into pct.
This isn't a new idea,, I'm sure it's the general consensus of most of the guys and vets on this forum.

Anybody wanna chime in here.. How many of you run hcg the duration of your cycle?
I do

I don't believe running HCG during cycle is necessary unless you are attempting to continue oogenesis, no other purpose. During PCT, a HCG blast can be beneficial to helping HPTA functioning.
One of many hcg articles and why to use on cycle

Improper use of HCG
Using HCG after the cycle is the least effective way to use HCG.

When you are using steroids, your brain cuts off the signal to the testes known as Luteinizing hormone (LH) and your testes stop producing testosterone. Once this happens, your testes shutdown, the cells within the testes known as leydig cells become unresponsive to stimulation from the brain, at this point the testes are desensitized. This is the reason why a lot of guys never completely recover from a steroid cycle even after using large doses of HCG and SERM***8217;s. Because the testes have stayed inactive for too long and have become permanently damaged and desensitized.

Here are a list of problems you can have from waiting until the end of a cycle to use HCG

High Possibility of Permanent Testicular Damage/Desensitization
Higher HCG Dose Requirement
Higher Conversion Rate to Estrogen
For a fast recovery of testosterone production after a cycle, you must avoid the long periods of suppression. You can read more about leydig cell death and damage from not being stimulated by LH or HCG here: Steroids killing your leydig cells

The Proper use of HCG
For any steroid cycle, you need to get your hands on HCG and use it during the cycle from the start. A small dose of 250IU 2x per week will keep the testes sensitized.

On cycle use of HCG forces the testes to produce testosterone as they normally would. The only thing you have to avoid is using too much or too frequently which can also desensitize your testes. It***8217;s important to use just enough to stimulate the testes to produce the same amount of testosterone they would normally.

It is also important to continue using HCG whilst ever steroids are still active in your system, this does require you to work out clearance times of esters vs mg***8217;s as all cycles and drugs are different but I have clearly explained how you can do this in this thread here: HCG How Long Post Cycle and During

For example:
If you are using 500mg test e per week this will stay in your system post your last injection for 37 days but it reaches 3 active mg per day by week 4 anything below 3mg will be fine to stop your HCG from this point.

So if you were doing a 10 week cycle you would use the HCG from the first week and continue using it in total for 14 weeks, this would ensure that whilst ever steroids are active in your system you have kept the negative effects of suppressed LH levels at bay by keeping the testes stimulated. Once the HCG is withdrawn it will begin to clear your system and your natural LH level will bounce back to normal very fast, this recovery phase is a perfect transition from synthetic testosterone (steroids) to natural levels without any crash in between.
Cool... I don't need to read article bro... I have the info for myself. I know what HCG does and what HPTA function is and how it all works... IMO just don't find it necessary to run during cycle.
Cool... I don't need to read article bro... I have the info for myself. I know what HCG does and what HPTA function is and how it all works... IMO just don't find it necessary to run during cycle.

Many guys like to prevent their testicles from atrophying while on cycle. This allows for a better and faster recovery during PCT. Your testicles are ready to start pumping out testosterone. Running hCG during your cycle helps prevent/minimize testicular atrophy. It isn't required, but it is beneficial. Of course, you aren't required to run PCT after a cycle either; but again, it is beneficial.

Keeping your testicles healthy is about more than just sperm production.
If you need help locating pins, shoot me a pm.

Sorry Matty I completely disagree with you. Unless you are trt and have no plans to ever get the balls going then yes you don't need HCG. Otherwise use it. 250iu 3 times a week. Yes you need to pin it 3 times a week. The body uses these small "pulses" of the peptide to keep the balls producing which also mimics the bodies natural pulses of the same to maintain natural hormone levels.

Also the chances of you needing the tamoxifen are slim to none. This should only be used if legit gyno flares up. If your Aromasin is good to go then you won't need it. If you wanted to be extra safe then get more Aromasin but from a different supplier as a back up in case your other Aromasin is bunk.

clomid is not junk. It has its uses. Some people don't like it but as whole it has a long credited history of aiding in PCT. You could go without it some people recover faster and have systems that are more resilient. But if your not sure then use it.

Your BF seems a little high for a person who is eating a strict 2400 calorie diet. Are you in the process of losing and were once much higher? Personally I would like to see the BF below 15% before starting a cycle. but that's just me.

Good luck
Well, that just threw all my thinking off a bit.

I am going to stick with using HCG... my balls are important to me, and from the extensive reading I've done... it's worth the extra pinning. No clomid though? Everything I've seen says Clomid and Nolva should be used for PCT.

My first cycle is 500 Test-E a week (split into two, 250 injections).
Some guys don't like some of the negative sides of clomid.. Run it and see how it works for you. Everyone's a bit diff
Well, that just threw all my thinking off a bit.

I am going to stick with using HCG... my balls are important to me, and from the extensive reading I've done... it's worth the extra pinning. No clomid though? Everything I've seen says Clomid and Nolva should be used for PCT.

My first cycle is 500 Test-E a week (split into two, 250 injections).

PCT torem @ 60mg ED for 4 weeks. Noi clomid, no Nolva.