Still some questions on this HCG/BAC water mixing... and I apologize before hand if I sound completely out of whack..
From the videos I've watched on youtube, the 5000iu HCG comes in a vial as a powder, then you add 10ml to reconstitute it... then what? I'm guessing I draw that mixture from the vial and put it into more BAC water? If so, how much?
I find a ton of info on the subject, but its all over the place and each one seems to be a different method. I'm basically looking for a "HCG/BAC mixing for dummies" lol...
You're making it too hard.
Most HCG comes in 3ml or 1ml small vials in a freeze dried powder. Draw 5ml, whatever concentration of bac water you want to us. Inject (slowly) into the HCG vial 5ml, 1ml, whatever. Swirl it around (dont shake) until it dissolves. Draw all of that fluid up with the same pin/barrel (For the love of god please dont make me remind you to alcohol swab after every pull) and either put it into a sealed sterile larger vial, or make slin pins to freeze, etc...