A Few Questions


New member
Im wondering if someone can give me the differences between ghrp 6 and igf1 lr3. I read the peptide overview sticky and it says ghrp is like growth hormone but igf will make your gains come better after cycle but igf is like insulin so wouldnt ghrp be better for more gains after a cycle cause of more muscle cells?
You should be able to search plenty of threads and stickys that better explain it but here's the oversimplified version:

GHRP coerces your body to release HGH in a surge.

IGF-1 comes from the synergy of HGH and insulin (kinda).

Surging or injecting HGH will increase IGF-1 but you can pin it as well....LR3 is longer acting than DES.

If you're looking for one to choose over the other, you'll have to wait for an experienced IGF user to weigh in but you should be able to search the old threads for some logs.
IGF is much more anabolic than GHRP. If LBM is your main goal.. go with IGF. In regards to your question about "More muscle cells".. IGF causes cell proliferation. AKA the creation of new muscle cells.