A little guidance on my next cycle?


New member
Hey guys I'm new to the forum here... I was hoping to get a little guidance on how I should run this cutting cycle, since the guy I usually turn to about this stuff ended up moving. I'm 25, been lifting since I was 17, and I'm probably around 17% BF. I have injectable sus 250, and liquid oral clomid, clen, winstrol, and letrozole in possession here (bought that to get rid of gyno), and I never got a chance to ask him HOW to run my cycle (dosages, how often, etc.). I also have a liver support to go with it.
Any chance ya'll could help me with this? including post cycle therapy (pct)? Thanks!
op 17% bf is high, how do you know you got gyno... its probably just water + fat in your chest... you're taking steroids as a fix... you're 17% bodyfat if not higher... and you want to do a "cutting" cycle to reduce that 17 when you could just do a proper diet...
My diet is pretty clean actually. I'm probably less than 17%, but i'd rather high-ball than low ball, and not trying to cut weight to bodybuild. I just want to get a little leaner. I do a lot of strength training for competitions (truck pulls, atlas balls, etc.) so I naturally keep a little extra fat on me, and I know it's gyno because my nipple is extremely sensitive, and I can feel the hardness under it.
Also I previously ran three test/tren/winny cycles.