a little help


New member
hi bros i have just finished making my tren enanthate and test enanthate @ 300mg/ml each..

i went 3:20 with the solvents

and it came out beutiful the only prob is that i gave some to a few mates and i used a little my self and fuck me dead..... i got a red rash like 4 hours after i jabbed it and it stung like fucking prop does

i then diluted to 250mg each and its not as bad as it first was but it still has a tingle to it...

any suggestions as to what might be going wong...
Some people get a rash from tren. Sorry my british slang is a little weak. Did all of your friends have the pain and rash or just you?
lozgod said:
Some people get a rash from tren. Sorry my british slang is a little weak. Did all of your friends have the pain and rash or just you?

they had discomfurt as well... i dont get it every other conversion i have done has come out perfect... i am using a new powder guy...

mranak said:
Sorry I don't already know, but I am curious. What does 3:20 on the solvents mean? 3% BA and 20% BB?

mranak said:
I think that 1-2% BA would have been fine, but I don't know a whole lot about this stuff.
Yeah this is right. 1%/20% is sufficient. Probably the BA causing problems.
mranak said:
Don't need any BB for the test enan, either. No idea about the tren enan.
Tren enan is a whole different world. Needs BB for sure, 2/20 is good with me. 300mg/ml isnt over the top but Im not suprised you guys are getting a little pain from it.
sweet thanx guy appreciate the input

im gonna try another shot to night at 250mg/ml of each in the tris :D this is gonna be fun