A lot of resistance when aspirating


New member
I use on my quad. When aspirating, there is a LOT of resistance to pulling the plunger back. Is this an indication that I'm in the right area?
I've aspirated and found myself in a vein more than once. Sucks when you're pinning tren cuz even the tiniest trace of oil hitting the blood stream causes nasty tren cough. Just makes you wanna lay on the bathroom floor in your underwear and skip the gym.
Anyways, if I see blood, I just push the pin further in and church again. No blood, gtg.
I've aspirated and found myself in a vein more than once. Sucks when you're pinning tren cuz even the tiniest trace of oil hitting the blood stream causes nasty tren cough. Just makes you wanna lay on the bathroom floor in your underwear and skip the gym.
Anyways, if I see blood, I just push the pin further in and church again. No blood, gtg.

Unless you pierced a vein on the way in and are aspirating on the other side, which will draw clear. It's honestly a complete waste of time as most don't do it properly, and there's such a low probability of causing any significant damage by injecting into a blood vessel unintentionally.

I'm really thinking tren is luck based. I've pushed 3cc of tren right into a site, pulled out, had a nice spray of blood - and zero cough. Then there have been times where I go in with half a cc of tren, pulled out clean - and was gasping for air after the 45 seconds of dreaded tren cough. We know it has something to do with how tren reacts to specific blood lipids (prostaglandins), but outside that - we can only speculate.

I'm not telling anyone that they can't aspirate if it gives them peace of mind, but that it has been determined (thanks Tron for the links) that it's totally not necessary for IM or subq injections.

My .02c :)
I use on my quad. When aspirating, there is a LOT of resistance to pulling the plunger back. Is this an indication that I'm in the right area?

What size pin are you using,and have you pinned there before, is it a frequent spot? Im wondering if you may have accumulated a good amount of scar tissue and this could be giving you the trouble!

What type of needle do you have, some are designed not to plunge back (like a vac,when pulling faster then filling)..

Far as plunging depends if one is using the Z track method or not, and the region.. Not all medical practitioners use plunging, it will vary on the facilities policy's and such..

If your using delt or VG, Don't bother, if your using your quad or glutes it's good practice..Ive aspirated and seen blood with a pin full of ace, OK, reset time..