A new cycle is coming !!!!


New member
Hey guys.I`m happy to share with you my next cycle , but also it would be very nice from U to give advice or comment my choice !
So i have on hand :
- 25 amps - 250mg Test E (Alpha Pharma),
- 100 tabs of nolvadex 10 mg/tab (pharma grade),
- 50 tabs of proviron 25/tab (also pharma grade),
- 40 tabs of clomid 50/mg/tab,
- 150 tabs of T-Bol - 10 mg/tab,
- 150 tabs of Winstrol (winny) - 10 mg/tab.

I ordered 300 tab of Winstrol (winny) but the dude sent me 150 wiinny and 150 t-bol. I never used t-bol , so i can`t comment on this drug.
Now my bigest question is, what to take, Winstrol (winny) or t-bol, cus my bro can chance my Winstrol (winny) or t-bol.
Also i know, that test E + winny+proviron on a cycle, can do great things (strenght, lean mass, less water/fat), but i`m wondering if the t-bol would be better than winny.
So, need some help from T-bol experienced users.

Thx :)
Meanwhile, i started to look on diffrent boards about Winstrol (winny) vs T-bol, and many prefer Winstrol (winny) over t-bol because of bigger gains and for the unreal strenght.anyway,there are mixed rewiews about the potency of this 2 drugs, but it would be interesting to here some real feedback from the user.So I invite you guys to discuss.
u`re right, it could be person related, maybe some folks react better on Winstrol (winny), other on t-bol.anyway, the question is t-bol or winny?
i know that is similar with d-bol , but the Winstrol (winny) has some similar effects. of course, with t-bol the body will retain some water but not with winstrol .it seems that in terms of gains , they are pretty close but again is person related.Winny is much more anabolic than t-bol, many prefer to use Winstrol (winny) to "dry" themselfs, but i think it can be usefull in a bulking cycle, as far as the result comes from the kitchen, not just from the gear.
i'm kind of done commenting here, you don't have a clue what the compounds do or how they react in your body.

come back when you at least google winstrol and read up on it.
i know, what u say my friend, i used Winstrol (winny) a few times.what i say is that Winstrol (winny) has an anabolic ratio of 320 and t-bol 100.that`s what i`m talking about. anyway, beast, what would u choose between t-bol and Winstrol (winny) ?thx for replays
Most members on this forum will tell you Winstrol (winny) is trash unless you're towards the end of a contest prep. Tbol sounds like the way to go, since you've already got some for sure.
yes it is true.it`s not probl, i can change my Winstrol (winny) to t-bol anytime, i just asked for some good feedback for t-bol, as i never used t-bol. did u find t-bol to be a good compund, how mg/day?
you not gonna put on any fucking muscle taking winstrol dude, your joints will be in so much pain you won't lift anything for days after a workout.
YES, i`m familiar with winstrol`s side :joint pain, especially my shoulder. i will use t-bol and see what this drug can do.i know the east german story about it, but in 2 weeks i will feel it`s good effects.
oh, and something else, any of U used Proviron during the cycle?what i can tell is i have better gains and less fat (from Test E) with Proviron then with nolva.now i will use them both
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i'm gonna slap you if you think Winstrol (winny) gives you unreal strength.

I have a good friend who only runs cycles of test e or c and oral winstrol at 50mg. He only does the winstrol for 4-5 weeks. And let me tell you he puts on size and gets very strong. If is also noticeable when he stops taking the winstrol.
yes yes i'm sure tigre81 , gets very strong indeed.

Look, how many times did u run Winstrol (winny) and in what dose? One of the properties of Winstrol is it´s profound ability to lower SHBG much more than other steroids. A few mg of Winstrol (winny) can lower SHBG significantly, which would in turn, raise the amount of free testosterone circulating in the body.Also, when test is stacked with Winstrol (winny) and proviron u will see a bigger gain in mass and strenght.