AAS and collagen synthesis


village idiot
I have been running a few longer test only cycles (it's all that is currently available), but now for the past year, I have been plagued by injuries. The question I want to ask is how to repair the damage.

1) I have TB500. This helps heal injuries, but does it help in collagen synthesis for injury prevention?

2) I have 100ius of HGH. Would this be enough to get me started back into powerlifting relatively soon? How much damage can this reverse?

3) IGF-1lr3. Is this beneficial to the tendons and collagen problem? Would running it every other month give any level of joint protection?

I know this is a lot to ask, but I am at my ropes end...

Thanks guys.
I don't know what TB is, but 3iu HGH post workout would be ideal, but HGH tends to need to be taken for 6 months to start feeling the full effects. Just something everyone tends to notice. I don't think IGF-1LR3 would be that good for preventing injury, to be honest. Granted, I am not very versed in the area of peptides. Personally I would run nand to help your joints. Nand is the second best for joints aside from GH