Aboot's Fall 2006 Cycle.

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Okay, so here goes. I decided to bump up my cycle start time and extend it’s length. Yes, I was getting impatient and checked the calendar and saw that a 16 week cycle fit nicely into place. I am going away for Christmas and don’t want to be on cycle during that time (what with having to get on an airplane and not wanting to bring along injectables/needles/syringes with me) so 16 weeks looks just about ideal, with post cycle therapy (pct) ending in the middle of January.

Originally I had planned on running testosterone prop along with trenbolone suspension for 10-12 weeks. That is still the plan for the first 10 weeks of the cycle. Those weeks will be as follows:

Weeks 1-10: 200mgs testosterone propionate every day
Weeks 1-10: 100mgs trenbolone suspension every day

I have run tren ace at that dosage before but of course have never with tren suspension (obviously since I have only run the suspension once before). I loved the suspension last cycle and look forward to running it again. I’ll be running 200mgs of vitamin b6 per day to help keep my prolactin levels in check with bromo on hand, but I have never had a problem with it before and don’t foresee one arising now.

The new “experiment” that I will be trying out this time around will be not running an aromatase inhibitor along with the testosterone. I am not gyno prone and have always run an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with my cycles to help with bloat and minimize the effect of my cycles on my blood pressure which has always been a problem. However recently my blood pressure has actually been decent so I thought that I would see how I do without any aromatase inhibitors. I of course have some aromasin and arimidex on hand just in case I run into any type of problem but it should be interesting to see how I do.

Now as for the last six weeks of my cycle the one thing I know for sure is that I will definitely continue with the testosterone propionate. As for the second compound, I’m not sure yet. I may simply run boldenone suspension again like I did my last cycle but a part of me wants to experiment with something that I have never tried before. I have been thinking about maybe using Furazabol/Miotolan for the first time but this may just be a thought that will fade. We shall see. I have a few weeks to decide which direction I want to go in.

As for my goals during the cycle, again the primary one is strength. I really want to concentrate on getting my squat numbers up. I have been focusing on my bench for the past months and am happy with the progress I have been making so I think that it’s time to stop neglecting my squat so much (not that I quit training it or anything). I hope to increase my weights consistently over the next few months.

Secondly I would like to drop a bit of body fat. I seem to always say that but this time I’m committed to eating clean throughout the cycle. I don’t react well to carbs thus they will likely only be included in one or two of my meals per day. As for protein, I’ll be getting around 350-500 grams per day. That’s a bit of large range but it just depends on how I feel on a particular day. Flax seed and olive oil will make up the bulk of my calories from fat. I am currently hovering around 255 pounds at approximately 20% body fat. Not great, but not horrendous for my purposes.

As for my training, over the last few months I have begun training 4 days per week using a more conventional powerlifting-type split. Previously I was training each body part once per week and was training 5 days a week. But this took it’s toll and my central nervous system was fried. I already feel a lot better and will continue with this approach. Right now I am training bench on Monday, squat and lower back on Tuesday, bench assistance on Thursday and upper/lower back on Friday or there about.

So that’s where I’m at right now. I’ll be updating this journal hopefully every day or every other day, as long as I have something to say, until I am finished with post cycle therapy (pct).
Week One – Monday

Today was my first day. Did my two injections in each quad. The prop was no problem and never is. I have never had pain post-injection from it. I am not using the stuff in EO yet however. As for the tren suspension, it was everything I remember. Burned going in right down to my knee and the site was sore to touch for the first few minutes after the injection. The soreness lasted a couple hours but it is completely gone now. I got used to it fairly quickly last cycle so I don’t see a problem. I will be running 500ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) twice per week (Monday and Thursday) starting next week right up to a few days before I begin PCT.

The gym felt great today and had a good workout. Looking forward to the next few months. Tomorrow is quads so hopefully my assumption that there will be no post-injection pain tomorrow holds true.
Week One - Wednesday

So yesterday I was tired as holy fuck. I got home from a nightshift at 7:30am and fell asleep around 8am. I woke up at 6:30pm. Yup, no training for me yesterday. Fortunately this schedule actually works better since my gym is closed on Monday for Labour day. I lifted today and will go tomorrow. Then I'll hit it again on Saturday and Sunday with Monday off. Go back on Tuesday and my schedule is back to normal. So in the end it's better this way. Today's training (squats/quads and hams) went well. Squat form was good and everything felt great.

As for the injections, they are going smooth. Nothing to complain about. The post-injection pain from the tren suspension is ok and wears off in a couple of hours. The prop is absolutely painless. I may do my first calf injection with the prop tomorrow. I've done them countless times before and never had a problem so I'm not concerned.
Perfection Awaits said:
For your last 6 weeks try something like anavar, tbol, masteron prop.

I've ran anavar before and doubt that I will again. T-bol is definitely an option and you're the second person that has mentioned masteron. I'll have to think on it a bit more. We'll see...
Week One - Thursday

Shot my prop today into my left calf. It's always an adventure trying to avoid that spot on my calf with the needle that causes it to twitch like crazy. Needless to say I got the needle in about 19/20ths of the way before I hit it and got a minor twitch. I just backed it out a tad and then aspirated and injected without a problem. I shot the tren suspension in my left pec. It's always fun to have that burning feeling spread across my chest. Ugh. Anyways, the injections continue to go smoothly.

As for training today, it was alright but didn't really feel that I got into the groove. My joints were a bit stiff but my intensity was decent. Pretty happy with it. It was my bench assistance day.

For my injections tomorrow I am planning on trying to shoot my tear drop muscle on at least one of my quads. I have only tried it once years ago as an experiment but everything went fine then. I plan on only injecting 1mL per tear drop but we'll see how it goes. If I get brave I may go ahead and try the full 2mLs of prop. It's always an adventure.

Tomorrow is an off day from both the gym and work so I get to sleep on my couch in front of the TV for most of the day and eat. Definitely looking forward to it.
carolinacrackah said:
200mg of Testprop every day? I blew up so much on just 400mg a week I had to get off by week 3.

I don't retain much water at all with testosterone propionate. It's never been a problem no matter how low or high my doses have been. It's just one of those things I guess.
Week One - Saturday

So yesterday and today I did my prop injections in each one of my tear drop muscles, and yes I did the full 2mLs for each injection. Both went very smoothly without any problems. Looks like I'll be including them in my regular rotation of injections site. You can never have too many.

Today training was a bit rough. I took some Ketotifen last night to help get me to sleep and woke up this morning still feeling tired. To add to it I had to get to the gym a bit earlier then I am used to due to it closing a bit earlier then it does on weekdays. By the time I got there I was feeling better but my energy levels definitely suffered a bit. Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
Week Two - Monday

Well today's delt injection with tren suspension was a bitch. Hurt like hell for a couple of hours but the pain has passed now. Dear Lord. At least the pain is worth it in terms of results. I actually enjoy my prop injections. I know I might be the only one but they are a pleasure compared to the burning sensation involved with the tren. Ugh.

Off day from the gym today due to it being closed because of Labour Day. Back tomorrow for bench day and then squats on Wednesday. Definitely looking forward to benching tomorrow.
Week Two – Tuesday

My bench workout today went well. Intensity was good and everything felt like I was in the groove. No massive increases in the weights I was using or anything but I was definitely happy with it. Tomorrow’s squat workout should really test how well I’m feeling in terms of my form. Hopefully I get into it early on without having to struggle with it.

I did my first triceps injection today and it was much smoother then I remember. I was actually surprised how easy it was to do with little struggle to get the needle in the correct position. I was dreading it but it was all for not I guess.

No change in my weight.
Awesome, i agree. How are the strength gains now?

I've never tried trenbolone personally due to the high pricing in Asia.

Personally love testo p like hell.
michael88 said:
Awesome, i agree. How are the strength gains now?

Ok so far but I expect that they will begin to pick up in the next week or two. That is usually when I begin to see the major increases with tren.
Week Two - Friday

I did my first Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) shot today. I got lazy and was initially planning on doing it on Monday but left it until now. This means that I will be shooting 500ius on Tuesdays and Fridays. I'm using Pregnyl for the first time in a while (I usually use Chorulon). Everything went smooth with the mixing and injection so I don't expect any problems as per usual.

A thing I noticed over the past few days is that when I was taking my vitamin b6 tablets I was getting an upset stomach for about an hour soon after I swallowed them. During my last cycle I was splitting them up, 100mgs twice per day, but this time I was taking the whole 200mgs at one time. Even if I took it with food I would get a stomach ache. So I began splitting up the dosage and everything is fine. I can even take the second 100mgs tablet only an hour after the first with no problems. Just something that I thought that I would write down so in the future I won't run into the same problem.

I have also begun heating my tren suspension in the microwave for 5 seconds prior to drawing it out to speed the process up. The vicosity of the second vial seems to be a bit thicker then the first. Heating it did the trick and it flows quickly now.
Week Three - Monday

Today was a great day in the gym. My lifts felt light, my form was solid and my joints felt great. Motivation was good as well. The strength increases are there on every lift and mentally I feel like I'm in a groove. Hopefully I can hang on to this for the weeks to come.

Last night I had my first vivid dream. Nothing violent per se just extremely "real" and somewhat disturbing (although I won't get into specifics). I even woke up a few times while dreaming, thought about the dream, decided to go back to sleep and then immediately got right back into the dream each time. If only that would happen with sex dreams. Ah well, I can handle these types of dreams as long as they aren't forecasting my future. :(

All my injections have still been smooth and I have no complaints so far.
Aboot said:
Last night I had my first vivid dream. Nothing violent per se just extremely "real" and somewhat disturbing (although I won't get into specifics).
Did it have anything to do with you and other men? :rainbow:
Um, no. A female from my past. Nothing horrendous went on or anything but I definitely woke up feeling uneasy. Weird.
Hmmmm,roid induced dreams...Anyways,hows your training split like?Isit the same like what you did on your last cycle?
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