About oils....can I????


New member
......use olive oil for a conversion if i filter it through a whatman??

I usually use usp grade but ive had a" mix-up "mid cycle and have run out of prop.Ive ordered more oils from gpz but theyre taking ages to deliver and i cant really wait much longer.So far,ive gone a week without any test in my prop/tren cycle so you can understand why im a bit desperate.
Cool.Ive just ordered grapeseed from an aromatherapy site.If i sterilise it in the oven(120deg for 60 mins)then filter through a whatman,it should be good to go.....yes?
No need to heat sterilize before the whatman. Filter it when its warm to make it easier. Read my kitchen chemist's cookbook sticky!
Olive oil is thick.....but I was too lazy to go to the store on my last brew and used it. I am shooting 500mg/ml enanthate and 500mg/ml eq in the same syringe with a 25g needle though so it aint that bad.
Keep it out of light, it rancifies in light (yes you can buy it in glass containers I'm aware of this).

It also doesn't like heat, and while you can cook with it, it will break down at high temps or durations.

Poor choice IMO. Walnut oil rocks.