About to run a Tren cycle... help please.


New member
Hey guys, as the title says I'm getting ready to run my first cycle this year.. Any guidance or advice would be very much appreciated.
So what I've come up with so far:
Dbol : week 1-4 : 50mg/day
Trenbolone acetate : week 1-8 : 100 mg every other day
test-e: week 1-12 : 300 mg/split x2 per week
HCG : week 13-17 : 276 IUs three times a week. 5,000 IUS total in a months time
arimidex : 1mg three times a week throught out entire cycle and on Post cycle

im 5'7 and a lightweight 145lbs with about 7% body fat
What cycles have you previously run? How old are you? How many years training?

What is your familiarity with Dopamine Agonists?
Im only 20(discouraged), i've only really run one proper cycle(last year), ive been weight training for about 5 years, but i'd say you can only count the last three or two as serious training. familiarity with dompamine agonists- none
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I know it may sound stupid, but I honestly don't have time to go research and become an expert on steroids and the like... im not too knowledgable, just know the basics but I was hoping that I could get some professional advice on what I should take on this tren cycle / a good pct. sorry if this sounded snarky
My advice for your tren cycle is don't do a tren cycle. You readily admit you know very little/nothing about steroids and aren't going to look to find the info. Doesn't seem smart to jump right into one of the steroids that can easily have some of the worst side effects, and then go ahead and add d-bol just for fun which will be a big estrogen dump, compounding those sides.

You need to go to another forum! You have hit nearly every thread today and either have asked for a source hinted or have got you post edited! People like you are why AAS has bad name for everyone else. Hope Milton or tron sees this and bans you! If your lucky T will rip you a new one:)
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I know it may sound stupid, but I honestly don't have time to go research and become an expert on steroids and the like... im not too knowledgable, just know the basics but I was hoping that I could get some professional advice on what I should take on this tren cycle / a good pct. sorry if this sounded snarky

I don't get paid to do this, so I can't say my advice is "professional", however I can tell you that I've been around AAS for over 25 years and have seen the best and worst that can come from it.

My advice is to STOP.

Your stats tell me that you don't fully understand nutrition yet, and without that key concept - you're literally pissing your money away. You're also still developing; you may have gotten lucky and started back up without a hitch, but every cycle is rolling those dice.


The drugs will still be there, and you'll actually start understanding why you should learn as much as possible when it comes to messing with your hormones. Not knowing something could be the difference between having an awesome experience - and a serious life-long regret.

My .02c :)
You need to go to another forum! You have hit nearly every thread today and either have asked for a source hinted or have got you post edited! People like you are why AAS has bad name for everyone else. Hope Milton or tron sees this and bans you! If your lucky T will rip you a new one:)

Am I the only one who saw the humor in him posting that in a sponsored source's thread?
There has been a few lately popping up. Look, I undersand that everyone has a first time, hell mega even edited my post, but never for asking out right for a source! Just hurts us all.

OP, sorry for jacking your thread here but never substitute educating yourself properly for the wanting of a built physique. Read, learn, ask, but the cycle you are shooting for is not for beginners by a long shot! Doesn't take all that to get swole! Just take a little reading and a good diet can go far
There has been a few lately popping up. Look, I undersand that everyone has a first time, hell mega even edited my post, but never for asking out right for a source! Just hurts us all.

OP, sorry for jacking your thread here but never substitute educating yourself properly for the wanting of a built physique. Read, learn, ask, but the cycle you are shooting for is not for beginners by a long shot! Doesn't take all that to get swole! Just take a little reading and a good diet can go far

I only editted the quote in your post.
You post on a forum and want spoon fed. There's a reason why 20 year olds shouldn't run gear. If you don't even have the time to do the research, you have no business touching gear. All that says is you'll listen to whatever anybody tells you to do. Kinda immature...
You post on a forum and want spoon fed. There's a reason why 20 year olds shouldn't run gear. If you don't even have the time to do the research, you have no business touching gear. All that says is you'll listen to whatever anybody tells you to do. Kinda immature...

Thanks! Its best to do it right and do homework first.
Very bad cycle for you as you're not ready. Also you are much to young.

If you don't have time to research then forget it. Someone might steer you wrong and then what. Give us a picture if you say you are 7% BF. If you are you are not eating and your weight you can increase by diet.
So at that stats and weight you want to do Tren, get out of here.

Have you done BW yet. At your age you test should be high enough. STOP do the PCT and wait a fw years. You apparently don' know shit about what this will/ can do to you at your age. What is your diet like. If its not on point you won't get anywhere cycle or no cycle. You will just gain some water even with the Tren. Your test will bloat you if you don't eat right and watch you blood work.

Do you fully understand al the sides of Tren. Your age and weight it will knock you of your feet. Do you fully know the bad sides of HIGH or LOW E2?

Do you even know what to do for PCT you didn't tell us.
So no research you will do what ever anyone says. Shouldn't of come here UNLESs YOU ARE READY TO LISTEN. I will not be apart of helping you cycle because it is not good morals to help you hurt your self. STOP and eat eat eat the poper foods 3500 - 4000 calories a day and get the proper work out schedule and training routine to build LMM. Good luck Take heed. I've been involved in AAS since 1980 and I've ben in Competition se my profile. Ask Q's from more of our VETs
alright guys, well, i was aware that using at my age was discouraged and the trend seems to be saying that i should lay off and focus on diet.. there's just always that pull that you want to try and experiment and get an advantage over others, etc. i guess ill have to hold off for a bit and do the research required. it's just hard for young people i think if you're in a competitive environment and others are using. in the meantime if anyone can link me to nutrition plans for mass building, i struggle putting on mass because of constant exercise (swim team/track team/lifting) that would be very helpful.
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alright guys, well, i was aware that using at my age was discouraged and the trend seems to be saying that i should lay off and focus on diet.. there's just always that pull that you want to try and experiment and get an advantage over others, etc. i guess ill have to hold off for a bit and do the research required. it's just hard for young people i think if you're in a competitive environment and others are using. in the meantime if anyone can link me to nutrition plans for mass building, i struggle putting on mass because of constant exercise (swim team/track team/lifting) that would be very helpful.

Diet will give you a huge advantage! How many of your buddies go hit Taco Bell after the gym?