Academy and keeping gains.


New member
I have sort of a dilemma.
I just sent my application to become a CHP officer(state police).
I am taking my test in May. Now if I get in, I will start the academy in Sept. The academy is for 6 months. There is a lot of running and cardio invloved. I don't want to hinder my gains completely.
I am currently on a bulking cycle, that will end the last week of May. I was going to start another cycle in Sept/Oct. Now if i am in the academy. What do you think would be the best to take?
I will be getting weekends off so i can inject then.
I was thinking just a simple Test/EQ cycle, just to maintaim my muscle.
Something like
1-12 test 500/week
1-12 EQ 400/week
The academy is like 26 weeks, but if I start this in the middle of that time, then I can atleast hold on to some weight.

What are your thoughts??
Not to criticize or flame you bro but I worked in law enforcement for a few years and I did not use any AS during that time. I believe in a higher level of integrity for law enforcement. I believed at the time I was working for the Sheriff's Dept. that I could not in good conscience enforce a law that I myself was breaking.
Not to make it sound like I thought I was better than anyone else but I knew a couple guys I worked with that were on and I could not believe they would talk like it was alright for them to break the law because they had earned the privilege because of the badge.
That is just the way I felt and any decision you make about using while working in law enforcement is ultimately for you to make and justify in your own mind.

Good luck and I hope you make it into the academy.
hey saturn, maybe he'll be one more cop who looks the other way when he sees a senseless law being broken. don't discourage his civil disobedience
Just to clarify. It is OK for you to do AS NOW? But not before when you were in law enforcement? You are breaking the law in either case. So what does it really matter?
As a police officer, there are things that you do everyday that other would be cited for. Ex: Speeding, u-turns, exessive force, etc. Not saying it is right, but it is a fact.
Now I understand what you are saying, in this case I will be a hypocrit.
I think I can live with that!
I am not saying that it is OK for me to use because of my 'priveleges'. The point is, for me bodybuilding is my MAIN goal, the police work is a way to make money while having fun.
Hey Saturn, I would like to know the reason why you were only in law enforcement a few years ??? Good luck crazymike !!
I personally don't think that steroids for personal use along with other drugs like marijuana should be illegal. I chose not to use them not because I agreed with the law but because it was the law. In my mind I did not think I could in good conscience possibly take someones freedom away for the very thing I was doing. I'm no longer in that position so I have chose to disobey the law and don't have any problems justifying my usage. I still do not believe it should be illegal.
And as a police officer things like speeding and u-turns are not illegal. Excessive force is and police officers are regularly charged with excessive force. When I was "off duty" I did my best to obey traffic rules and hold up to that higher level of integrity.
I'm not saying you are wrong or a bad person if you choose to use AS while in the academy or later when working for CHP I was just putting out my point of view so you would have something to think about.
And guess what this very topic will come up while you are in the academy. It was covered in the first quarter while I was in skills (training structure is a little different here). So if anything you will have a leg up on the other cadets because you have had time to think about the topic.

And again good luck. I hope you make it in the academy and succeed as a state trooper.

If you have any questions about my experience whith the sheriff's dept. or training feel free to PM me and chat.
GFI said:
Hey Saturn, I would like to know the reason why you were only in law enforcement a few years ??? Good luck crazymike !!

I took a job in the private sector that paid much more that I was making in law enforcement. I have on several occasions wished I haden't and have thought about going back but I have found it hard to give up the life style my current position has provided me.
Thank you for the explanation. I agree with you 100%. I know what I do will not be the RIGHT thing to do.

Thank you for the comments.
Good luck crazymike. I am also trying to get hired as a police officer. I have passed all of my preliminary tests and now I am hoping I can get an interview REALLY soon. Good luck Bro!
crazymike said:
Thank you for the explanation. I agree with you 100%. I know what I do will not be the RIGHT thing to do.

Thank you for the comments.

Right or Wrong, you do what you want and don't be made to feel guilty bro. Does California give you a lie detector test? They do here in Tennessee and some of the questions are a/b breaking the law and drugs. Just an FYI on something you may need to prepare for. They can be beaten.
I am in a fire academy right now. We do a lot of intense cardio and other routines that are mostly focused on endurance. We also do a lot of drilling in full turnout gear carrying air packs, tools, fire hose, etc. I've learned that being the second strongest guy in there doesn't really help me run up a 45 degree loose dirt mountain as fast as some of the 20 year old 150 lb. dudes I'm competing with.

I am running a simple test/deca cycle. I think your idea makes sense. Just hang onto what you've got, you don't want extra bloat or weight.
crazymike said:
Just to clarify. It is OK for you to do AS NOW? But not before when you were in law enforcement? You are breaking the law in either case. So what does it really matter?
As a police officer, there are things that you do everyday that other would be cited for. Ex: Speeding, u-turns, exessive force, etc. Not saying it is right, but it is a fact.
Now I understand what you are saying, in this case I will be a hypocrit.
I think I can live with that!
I am not saying that it is OK for me to use because of my 'priveleges'. The point is, for me bodybuilding is my MAIN goal, the police work is a way to make money while having fun.

Amen. Very few street cops have anything to do with steroid busts. If cops don't need the edge, who does? We do it to look good. They do it so they have enough of an edge to go home every night. It's life and death more than ego.
I think your plan will help considerably.
saturn said:
I personally don't think that steroids for personal use along with other drugs like marijuana should be illegal.

I agree about the steroids. I totally disagree about marijuana.
If anything, the military, Law Enforcement, etc, should encourage and monitor steroid use in some cases. Some crack dealer may think twice when he sees a jacked cop, instead of fighting, he may give up. Of course extra muscle wont keep you from getting shot, but it could give you the extra strength that you need. Just because you in the law enforcement, doesnt mean you have more or less right to do AAS. You have just as much right as the juiced guy working at McDonalds.
DragonRider said:
I agree about the steroids. I totally disagree about marijuana.

why do you agree with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and totally against marijuana?just asking.

i might be going to the academy myself...its a totally fucking cool job to have..... not totally sure yet though were gunna have to see.....
VegasBoy said:
why do you agree with Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) and totally against marijuana?just asking.


AAS are naturally occuring hormones in the male body. Marijuana is a recreational drug that causes it's users not to care about anyone or anything but themselves. People under the influence of marijuana have crossed the center line in the road and killed their passengers and passengers in the vehicles they hit. Unfortuneately, they usually survive without a scratch.
No one on male hormones has done that!
RoadHouse said:
If anything, the military, Law Enforcement, etc, should encourage and monitor steroid use in some cases. Some crack dealer may think twice when he sees a jacked cop, instead of fighting, he may give up. Of course extra muscle wont keep you from getting shot, but it could give you the extra strength that you need. Just because you in the law enforcement, doesnt mean you have more or less right to do AAS. You have just as much right as the juiced guy working at McDonalds.

Amen, Roadhouse. I'm in Law enforcement as well, and when you look a certain way, people are much less likely to start shit with you than if you don't. It's a great edge and, like DR said, it's just another way of getting to go home every night on your own feet. I, personally, do not have a moral dilemma with what I'm doing but, obviously, that decision is up to the individual.
DragonRider said:
AAS are naturally occuring hormones in the male body. Marijuana is a recreational drug that causes it's users not to care about anyone or anything but themselves. People under the influence of marijuana have crossed the center line in the road and killed their passengers and passengers in the vehicles they hit. Unfortuneately, they usually survive without a scratch.
No one on male hormones has done that!

i agree with you but that occurance it my opnion is very very low.compared to people who drink booze and use cell phones while driving are much more likley to get into an acciedent, i think you should have used a better excuse.
