Accelerade tested excellent!

That's a very basic thing to use before a workout. I've put together all sorts of things you can use before a workout to help increase performance. Keep in mind that you don't need to do everything for it to help:

Workout Preparation

120 minutes before

• Take tap test and reduce volume of workout if 10% or more change from established baseline

115 minutes before workout

Warm up
• DDR (a dancing game. Don't laugh - it really wakes up the nervous system) until you feel warmed up and alert, or jump rope

Meal 2
• 8 oz liver, buffalo, ostrich, or beef
• 4 eggs
• Digestive aid with bataine HCl and enzymes
• 9g cod liver oil 8
• 1 GLA cap
• 4 DHA caps
• 200-300mg caffeine
• 20-60mg ephedra (a 2-6mg dose can be used for a bronchialdialator effect)

90 mins before workout

• Stretch

60 mins before workout

• 0.35g/kg bwt glutamine

Adjust spine

o Bend back over object such as a chair back. Get all of the spine.
o Rotate hips starting with left to move the hip, then the right to get the lower vertebrae
o Adjust neck if possible by turning from side to side. Do not use hands.

50 minutes before workout

Alternating hot/cold shower. 3
3 minutes hot, 30 seconds cold - repeat 4 times

30 minutes before workout

• One scoop Power Drive 2
o 20mg ginko biloba
o 20mg vitamin B6
o 3g L-tyrosine
o 1g phosphatidylcholine
o 200mg DMAE
• 6 caps SAN Neuroflow
• 30g honey
• 1g buffered vitamin C
• Antioxidant supplement
• 5-10g Acetyl-L-carnitine 2, 5
• 400-800 mg phosphatidylserine 5
• Drink filtered water 10

25 minutes before workout

• Lay on spine roller for 15 minutes 1, 2
• Practice deep breathing while on the roller
• Lay in an area where you can breathe fresh air
• Lay in an area where there is bright light

10 minutes before workout

• Lean against wall with head (facing up) for a minute. Repeat. 4

8 minutes before workout

• Light explosive sets of 3 for lifts in workout
• DDR between warmup sets
• Listen to motivational music of choice

During workout

• 20-40g BCAAs
• 12 oz grape juice
• Listen to motivational music of choice
• If time allows, lay on spine roller between sets

1. - Spine roller description

2. - Poliquin’s Preparing for the Ultimate Workout article

3. - for hot/cold shower

4. - At 14:23 in audio interview about neck exercise

5. - For acetl-L-carnitine and phosphatidyl serine

6. - At 13:26 in audio interview about glutamine.

7. - At 13:15 - 14:34 in audio interview about branch chain amino acids.

8. - fish oils can increase maximal strength

9. - hydration affects strength

10. - light’s effect on hormones
Not to mention there are other things that can help increase strength during lifting:

-Extending neck (leaning it back)

-Pushing jaw open by pressing tongue on roo fo mouth

-Tensing your body (especially for benching, squatting, deadlifting)

-Stretching antagonist (but this can get tricky with big compound lifts)

Some deadlift specific tips:

-oil shins so you can keep bar in contact with shins for better leverage

-hook grip to increase grip strength, but this may require practicing to get used to the pain.


-Shoes that are low and do not have a heel. A heel is good for full squatting or olympic lifting, but not for deadlifting.
oops! Just noticed some of the references from don't work anymore. I can't post the articles if anyone wants.
Thats the most complicated list of things ive ever seen b4 a workout. I feel pretty lame now lol. My pre workout includes a shake with pro/carbs. then a little black coffee and im off to the gym.
Thank you for the info.
For me that is a bit much. Anyone else care to share pre workout food/drinks?
Post workout I do 50-70 g of dextrose.