Accutane on test e cycle.


New member
Hi Folks

Will be starting Accutane at the same time I am starting my new Cycle.
I will be running 20mg of Accutane Per day. And 500mg of Test E plus/week

Now my question is , running Accutane while on doses of Test e. Should Accutane still take effect and should it still clear up my acne. Ive used isotroin(brnd name) by cipla doctor prescribed as i getting my face cleared, this was few months back, now as im starting my cycle, should i wait till acne shoes up or should i just start accuatne @20mg/dy?
I've used accutane years ago, ever before taking gear. Worked like a miracle. When i did start taking gear, i'll admit acne was a concern for me, but luckily it didn't really get bad. Only noticeable places were on my back and not my face. I would wait to start using and see first if the test exasperates it. Also, don't take orals with it since accutane is already liver toxic. On another side note, accutane is notorious for messing up your lipid profile, and needless to say steroids will only compound that effect further,.
I've used accutane years ago, ever before taking gear. Worked like a miracle. When i did start taking gear, i'll admit acne was a concern for me, but luckily it didn't really get bad. Only noticeable places were on my back and not my face. I would wait to start using and see first if the test exasperates it. Also, don't take orals with it since accutane is already liver toxic. On another side note, accutane is notorious for messing up your lipid profile, and needless to say steroids will only compound that effect further,.

ive already taken 20mg for 2-3 months, no side effect whatsoever.. ''ll just wait for acne to show up.. if it does, should i use it until it is gone or should i use low lose of it till end of pct?
im not taking any oral with my cycle..