Achy delt after injection - normal? How much can I inject at once?


New member
Hi guys, yeah I've just done my second self injection. First was in my glute which was literally pain in the arse lol as I couldn't twist to see properly. Hence I started thread on here and came to conclusion delts would be my best option so went for it.

Just injected 300mg test e, went in first time as didn't **** about, used 1.5" needle so went half way in as advised. Very little blood and was very sterile but it seems achy, not mega but because delts bit new for me as always been injected by my friend in glutes just wanted to make sure everything was cool?.

Also, how many ml's can I inject in each delt at each injection?. I am using Test E, 300mg per 1 ml and injecting once per week which I know is not ideal but have my reasons.

Any help will be very much appreciated cheers.
As I have found, the soreness is normal when you first start no matter the pin site. As you pin more the soreness will decrease.

I prefer delts for ease of access and for some reason even though they are smaller than my glutes or quads, have the least amount of soreness/stiffness.

At the moment my delts handle 2cc's of gear no problem. I could probably do as much as 3cc's.