Acne and training while on gear....


Just out of curiosity....I don't get acne while i am on hardly at all....but, I do notice it flare up while I am on a few days rest time...or if I am not traing as hard as another week....but, as soon as i hit the steel harder, it seems to there any corelation between traing intensity and acne from gear...just curious...i know that the test can promote it, acne, correct? Does the body use that test up as if consuming food? Do you guys get where I am going with this...basically, will test build up if you are not using it for something....if test levels can decrease, then can't they increase and be burnt per say while training during a cycle? I am just tryin to figure why I can get some acne for a few days, and then nothing for a while, then it comes seems to not be as present or at all when i am on hard training, then if I have a lighter training week?

I see....that makes sense, since i sweat less on lighter training days....but, why do i get more acne develope overnight, then it seems to go, and then return...most of the bros i know that hit the gear, when they get acne, they have it almost the whole duration of the cycle, and it is quite noticeable...granted I am 38, and they are 10 years younger.....would that be due to the fact, that they have more natural test in their system then i do at my age?

People are going to think I am full of crap but the thing that cleared up my acne/boils (had it bad from test) was Saw Palmetto Berry Capsules. Took three in the am with my milk thistle. Cleared up problem plus it is cheap. Worth a try. I can confidently take test with SPB knowing that when I take off my shirt I won't shoot someone in the eye. Hope this helps.
I get it post cycle also. I use a good facial cleaner and oxy wipes during a cycle and I usually dont have a problem. I believe the acne wash is 2% syclic acid (spelled it wrong I think) but it works great.
Natural remedies to prevent acne beginning with most important

1)Acidophilus: Replenishes essential bacteria to reduce outbreaks

2)Chromium Picolinate: Aids in reducing infections of the skin

3)EFA's: To supply essential gamma linolenic acid. Nedded to keep the skin smooth and soft, repairs tissue, and dossolves fatty deposits that block pores

4)Potassium: 99mg/day Deficience linked with acne

5)Vit A: 25,000iu daily until heale. Then reduce to 5000iu. To strengthen the protective epithelial tissue.

6)Vit B complex(extra B3):100mg 3times daily. B3 100mg 3Xdaily
Important for healthy skin tone. Anti stress vit. Deficiences of B6 associated with acne. B3 improves blood flow to the surface of skin

7)Vit C w/bioflavanoids: 1000-1600mg/3Xdaily. Promoted immune function and reduces inflammation. Needed for collagen repair.

8)Vit D3:400iu/day. Promotes healing of tissue

9)Vit E(natural):400iu/daily. Inhances healing and tissue repair.

10)Zinc:30-80mg/daily. Prevents scarring.
Also add to the above list MSM!! Speeds up healing scars and fading red marks. Very good stuff!! Topical natural aloe vera gel as well helps with all skin problems. Add selenium also for more antioxidant protection.
For those getting it post cycle, it's probably the Clomid. Try Nolvadex instead and you'll probably see an improvement.
i find it really depends on what i am useing and the brand of it... the 1st time i did sus. i had a major breakout. but now that i am on it 2 years later. i have almost nothing on my back and the d-bol did not give me any either. so i am a happy dude
i am in the end of my cycle with omna...i know it will be in my system for 3 more weeks give or did not start to hiot me until week 7 of 9....
