Acne medication?

do not quote me on this but i think b-5 works good but i am not 100% sure also i can not find b-5 in the vitinam store. i have the same problem but it also gets on my shouldersl.
B-5 work but if you are on the juice its not strong enough for me to break even and THEN fight acne on top of that, but I can slowly improve on it off the juice @ 12g a day split into 3 doses.

For real meds though, you are looking at anti biotics or accutane. I use accutane and it rocks, but high dose and it takes a toll on my body. I am cruising along at 20mg ED right now.
Accutane works there is no doubt. Prescriptions are VERY expensive and you need to go in for blood work like every 2 weeks. It can be harsh on your liver. Or kidneys. I dont remember which. I have been through 2 cycles of it when I was a teen.
Yes it dries you something terrible! I used to go through a big bottle of cetaphil lotion a week. Frequent nose bleeds. But it does make your zits go away.
minocyclyne is a good prescription antibiotic i use for acne. 200mg a day works very well. Plus if you have insurance the script is very cheap.
I've heard of generic accutane for as low as $10 a month when prescribed (insurance).

They look at your blood, check your depression history, and they make women watch videos on birth defects and such. So its not treated lightly.
I have tried b-5 and minocyclyne and accutane is by far the best. There is underground accutane out there.