Adding a biocide to guarantee sterility ? any idea ?


New member

I have some problem of sterility when I use filtration units. I think there are some bacteria inside despite the presence of benzyl alcohol. After the vial are capped, they are heated at 130°C for 1h but some steroid such as trenbolone cannot be heated.

Benzyl alcohol does not seem to be very efficient here. Do you think I can add a biocide such as benzalkonium chloride ? There is no info about this subject.

Can I add an antibiotic ? Which one ? Is it safe to inject ?

Thank you in advance,
Hey mate,

What type/size of filter are you using? Any reasons why you think there are still bacteria inside even after the hormone is filtered?

As for using benzalkonium chloride in your brew to kill bacteria - I don't have first hand experience with this, but I found a few pharmaceutical injection that contain this compound at around 0.11mg/ml concentration:


According to what I have read, concentrated Benzalkonium can be toxic to humans:

Benzalkonium chloride is a human skin and severe eye irritant.[20] It is a suspected respiratory toxicant, immunotoxicant, gastrointestinal toxicant and neurotoxicant.[21][22][23]

Benzalkonium chloride formulations for consumer use are dilute solutions. Concentrated solutions are toxic to humans, causing corrosion/irritation to the skin and mucosa, and death if taken internally in sufficient volumes. 0.1% is the maximum concentration of benzalkonium chloride that does not produce primary irritation on intact skin or act as a sensitizer.[24]​