adding eq to a longer cycle?


New member
Curious of some opinions here.....goals here are cutting without loosing muscle....well, ideally gaining some muscle as well...I am currently 37, 5'11, 194, 10ish% goal is to get down to 184 with 5%ish diet will be in check and 'clean' during the cycle...even more so than it is usually.....anyhow, I am just about to start the following cycle (my 5th - note: I have run both tren A and Tren E before and much prefer Tren E....also, have run Mast and didnt like it):

Week 1-16: test testosterone cyp / 30 mg - M W F
Week 1-16: Test Prop / 50 mg - M W F
Week 1-8: trenbolone E / 160 mg - M W F
Week 1-16: Primo / 240 mg - M W F
Week 1-9: Caber / .5mg E3D
Week 1-16: 250iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) - human chorionic gonadotropin - x 2/week
Week 1-16: Aromasin / 10mg M W F

I realize its probably more complicated that need be as I could most likely get the same results from injecting test cyp, tren, and primo 2x a week but I actually like the injecting as well as test prop....reason I am keeping cyp in the mix is bc I am on 120mg test cup/wk for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and dont want the rollercoaster after the cycle ends and waiting for cyp to get back in my system.

My question for is I am thinking about adding some EQ in the mix after I run the Tren. They say there is no point in running EQ for less than 14 weeks but I wonder about this. The reason for adding EQ would be primarily for enhanced cardio after Tren. My adjusted cycle would be:
Week 1-18: test testosterone cyp / 30 mg - M W F
Week 1-18: Test Prop / 50 mg - M W F
Week 1-8: trenbolone E / 160 mg - M W F
Week 1-16: Primo / 240 mg - M W F
Week 8-18: EQ / 200 mg - M W F (11 weeks total on EQ)
Week 1-9: Caber / .5mg E3D
Week 1-18: 250iu Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) - human chorionic gonadotropin - x 2/week
Week 1-18: Aromasin / 10mg M W F

btw, my workout schedule for the 16-18 weeks will be as follows....most say I am an idiot for running gear with so much cardio and not enough weights but this is kind of an experiment as well. Im not a bodybuilder and I love being 'on' so I suppose I am treating myself here.

Monday: 30 min am run - empty stomach / PM Yoga Sculpt (intense yoga with weights)
Tuesday: AM Chest / PM Crossfit (plus possibly yoga - hot power fusion)
Wednesday: PM Bootcamp
Thursday: AM Bicepts and Back / PM Yoga Core Power 2
Friday: PM CrossFit
Saturday: Chest, shoulders, triceps
Sunday: Off or Yoga

Look forward to reading some thoughts/criticism/bashing etc. :)