Adding low dose Tren to TRT

What sides have u ran into at these doses

Currently pinning 75mg ED Tren Ace...

No cough, insomnia or night sweats, just a little lethargy and a tight chest (that I keep on top of with Salbutamol and Montelukast)

Workouts are intense, but I really am blowing hard throughout, physique is looking gnarly as fuck, shredz and veins galore (note: I was under 10% when I jumped on cycle)
I dont have many sides on tren as well if i keep estrogen in control . If thats in control my blood pressure stays down , hardly get night sweats unless i train very late at night and my metabolism is racing , insomnia can sometimes become an issue but at the moment im in week 6 no problems realy .
The cough scares the shit out of me. Can this happen at all doses

The cough seems to happen generally more with tren A from what i hear , and is like an intense episode of deep coughing almost blanking out . Apparently this happens when some of the gear enters a vein . What i do when i inject ALWAYS is aspirate as soon as my pin is in then half way through injection aspirate again incase sometimes the pin moves around and opens a vein or something . If you do this you shouldnt have a problems . I personally use tren E just for less frequent injections and have never ever had a problem with tren cough . Done a fair share of pins as well . U aspirate properly , u shouldnt be having any problems man .