Adding Tamoxifen To Injectables...


New member
Here's another one for ya... I am pretty sure Tamox dissolves pretty easily, so can you just add the amount of powder you want to use to the total and just use regular ratio's of ba/bb to include tamoxifen in the injectables?

What I mean is if I wanted to make Test Enth with 20mg Nolvadex and I was making 300mg/ml and a 10ml vial, would I add 3,000mg Enth Powder, 200mg Nolavdex Powder, add 2.5% BA (I always use 2.5%), add oil, heat and then filter and its golden?


if you do then you locked in on test dosing by the amount of nolva in it. so if you wanna up test dose then you have to up nolva dose or vbice versa. i am not a fan of mixing hormones or even esters. if you wana mix stuff make them seperate then mix them in the sryinge. this way you have complete control of doses for all hormones envolved.

you asking the same questions i did years ago. but i did all this shit and figured it out on my own. :D
pullinbig said:
if you do then you locked in on test dosing by the amount of nolva in it. so if you wanna up test dose then you have to up nolva dose or vbice versa. i am not a fan of mixing hormones or even esters. if you wana mix stuff make them seperate then mix them in the sryinge. this way you have complete control of doses for all hormones envolved.

you asking the same questions i did years ago. but i did all this shit and figured it out on my own. :D

I can only hope I know as much as you do when I become real seasoned!

Thanks bro... but if I did want to do this (again this is for personal use) what I mentioned above would work right?

Derek_D said:
I can only hope I know as much as you do when I become real seasoned!

Thanks bro... but if I did want to do this (again this is for personal use) what I mentioned above would work right?


yup as long as the nolva is solubale in the solvents/carrier you use. simple test will prove this.