Address Flagged?


New member
I had ordered some Ripped Fuel from an American site which is being held up in customs. At the sametime I had ordered some ALA from anabolical which is being held as well. This makes me wonder if maybe my address has been flagged because of the ephedra.

I have one international package which was sent out less then a week ago (before I figured out customs is grabbing all my packages) so I'm a bit worried.

My question to you guys is, would customs flag my address because of some Ephedra? Last time I had ordered some from the U.S it got held up in customs but they let it pass.
If you are in Canada, "US" Customs is not responsible for OTC supplements here being legal or not in Canada. They will pass through US Customs for inspection, and then it is up to the Canadian Customs to designate their legality/illegality once they inspect the package.
I've heard bro's in canada getting Creatine seized. You have to realise that when your buying something that doesnt need to be hidden , customs see's it right away and from what I heard canada is pretty strict when it comes to bodybuilding supplements. Dont quote me on this.
I can't tell you what the procedure is in Canada but I can tell you I've had 3 seizures to one US addy and still had stuff make it through.
mvmaxx said:
I can't tell you what the procedure is in Canada but I can tell you I've had 3 seizures to one US addy and still had stuff make it through.

wow...i hope this is true. ive been waiting 3 weeks on a pack from europe and i've all but given up hope. what part of the country are you in?

I hear that.
That flagged addy story is bogus IMO.
I dont think they check every single packs shipping addy to a flagged lists database.
Its just luck and how well the stuff is packed that matters if it makes it thru or not.

mvmaxx said:
I can't tell you what the procedure is in Canada but I can tell you I've had 3 seizures to one US addy and still had stuff make it through.
when you guys say how well its packed. how do you mean? like put in something different or the vials are just not visible? im confused.. they xray that shit anyways so they would see vials? right?
I am not sure about Canada but if it is flagged in the U.S. they enter the addy into the computer system to flag any future international shipments.
uw_dawgs1 said:
I am not sure about Canada but if it is flagged in the U.S. they enter the addy into the computer system to flag any future international shipments.

I completely disagree and think this is a false statement. See remark above.

Additionally, I know a bro who got a controlled delivery, search warrant, the works. And HE STILL got packs through customs to that addy a couple weeks after the delivery for shit he had already purchased.

RB- west coast
Jay C said:
when you guys say how well its packed. how do you mean? like put in something different or the vials are just not visible? im confused.. they xray that shit anyways so they would see vials? right?

I highly doubt they x-ray all packs coming into the US but I KNOW they do going into Canada as I had cash seized that was concealed very well.
I don't think they actually flag the address. I think it just gets put into their database. If you have a large order seized they probly check to see what other shipments that have been seized and decide if they want to do a controlled delivery.
strange...i knew canada didnt had problems with customs....

if one pack was seized by ANY customs the adress is flagged..

use another one.

EvilGeorge said:
strange...i knew canada didnt had problems with customs....

if one pack was seized by ANY customs the adress is flagged..

use another one.


Customs cannot FLAG addresses..only a postal inspector can flag an address..

Most international sources ask for a new address to resend to because they know it may be difficult for some customers to come up with a different address to mail to, thus not being able to get the resend from the source.. so the source does not take a loss in resending..
mvmaxx said:
I completely disagree and think this is a false statement. See remark above.

Additionally, I know a bro who got a controlled delivery, search warrant, the works. And HE STILL got packs through customs to that addy a couple weeks after the delivery for shit he had already purchased.

RB- west coast
Yeah i know a "friend" who got a controlled delivery, and then the next damn day he got a package in the mail form a international source(of course this "friend" of mine was nervous as hell because he knew this was going to be comming) and thought they would find it and then he would really be fu**ed), and a week later got another one. So i dont think they check every addy. You know how long that would take!