terry tripod
power training
bf% 20-25%
my overall goal is to be ripped 80kg !! training for 20mths know and addicted i was 62 kgs when i started and reached 80kg this yr and held it was soo hard for me to gain im a ectomorph body type and had to change my major to gain !!! i dedicated the whole year to training and my diet and payed off !! plus ran a small cycle of deca and test 4 for 6 weeks know i want a little deffenition for summer 6 pack back haha !! any help would be great !!! as i have studied to bulk know need to learn how to lean out !!
diet is as it stands know !!
meal 1
1 cup or straight egg whites mushroom n tomato on 2 pieces of wholemeal bread alter: 1 cup of oats and a wpc shake 1 apple
1 fish oil and multi v tabs
meal 2
wpc shake 1 bannana 1 apple berries or almonds
meal 3
185grms of tuna two sandwiches wholemeal bread lettce tomato cucumber beatroot avocado alter: half a chicken skinless and veggies 1 fish oil
meal 4
almonds or 1 piece of fruit or protein bar
meal 5 prework out
1 bannana n wpc shake
jack 3d
meal 6 post work out
1 waximaze shake 15min later wpi shake
meal 7 1 hr after meal 6
300grms of lean meat chicken or fish either salad or vegg 1 fish oil 2 flaxseed oil tabs
meal 8 bed time
wpc shake 3 zmas tabs
chest arms tri
wed off
back shoulders legs
abs mon/ thurs
no cardio
i need fine another program too ive been on this one for 6mnths know any help please would be great !!! any more info please ask !!! ohhh 1 thing to ive always down pyrmid sets to eg 10 8 6 4 and add about 5% weight to each set bout 3kg thanks guys !!!!
bf% 20-25%
my overall goal is to be ripped 80kg !! training for 20mths know and addicted i was 62 kgs when i started and reached 80kg this yr and held it was soo hard for me to gain im a ectomorph body type and had to change my major to gain !!! i dedicated the whole year to training and my diet and payed off !! plus ran a small cycle of deca and test 4 for 6 weeks know i want a little deffenition for summer 6 pack back haha !! any help would be great !!! as i have studied to bulk know need to learn how to lean out !!
diet is as it stands know !!
meal 1
1 cup or straight egg whites mushroom n tomato on 2 pieces of wholemeal bread alter: 1 cup of oats and a wpc shake 1 apple
1 fish oil and multi v tabs
meal 2
wpc shake 1 bannana 1 apple berries or almonds
meal 3
185grms of tuna two sandwiches wholemeal bread lettce tomato cucumber beatroot avocado alter: half a chicken skinless and veggies 1 fish oil
meal 4
almonds or 1 piece of fruit or protein bar
meal 5 prework out
1 bannana n wpc shake
jack 3d
meal 6 post work out
1 waximaze shake 15min later wpi shake
meal 7 1 hr after meal 6
300grms of lean meat chicken or fish either salad or vegg 1 fish oil 2 flaxseed oil tabs
meal 8 bed time
wpc shake 3 zmas tabs
chest arms tri
wed off
back shoulders legs
abs mon/ thurs
no cardio
i need fine another program too ive been on this one for 6mnths know any help please would be great !!! any more info please ask !!! ohhh 1 thing to ive always down pyrmid sets to eg 10 8 6 4 and add about 5% weight to each set bout 3kg thanks guys !!!!