Advice for cycle Tren + Win


New member
Hi guys i hope this is right section..I really need some tips from u (thanks a lot), I started my first cycle with Tren + Win, I really appreciate some info and advice for do it better, im already on 3 week of this, more strenght performance and very good look but i have some problems

My stats

age 30 years old
height 180cm
weight 85kg
Bf around 8/9 %

My cycle

Monday Tren hexahydro 75mg
Wednesday winny 50mg
Friday Tren hexahydro 75mg

My problems are:

-Is good how dosage?
-Low libido... u will know, what can i add for this problem? test? if yes how much and when? i readed some people use cialis if have "sex meeting" and solve the problem
-How pct clomid or nova or other?

Thanks a lot i hope on answer
Here I go again-------Whitesnake James Coverdale ( ur wienie s gonna look like Tawny s ..nevermind)

1 timer using tren and winny. Are u serious or are u wasting another 15 seconds of my life I ll never back ?

I ll tell u everything u need to know if u tell me
1-did u come with cycle on ur own ?
2 - did u get ur gear from the person who set up this cycle ? No specific s just yes or no.

U realize u are castrating urself with this cycle ?

This is all wrong...terribly wrong.
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WTF is this cycle.... This is just plain stupid. Obviously you have no clue as to what you are doing.

What are your stats first before we go any further.
what cycle is this for you
please answer Teutonic's Q's
History of gym training

WHY did you start this cycle and get 3 weeks in before you asked anyone for help with your plan. This is not a game and it is serious stuff here. Have you not done any studying about AAS use before you stuck yourself with a needle and injected what ever and at whatever dose you chose.

Get back with us and answer our Q's please so we maybe can help at this juncture. OK
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Here I go again-------Whitesnake James Coverdale ( ur wienie s gonna look Tawny s ..nevermind)

1 timer using tren and winny. Are u serious or are u wasting another 15 seconds I ll never back ?

I ll tell u everything u need to know if u tell me
1-did u come with cycle on ur own ?
2 - did u get ur gear from the person who set up this cycle ? No specific s just yes or no.

U realize u are castrating urself with this cycle ?

This is all wrong...terribly wrong.

yes im serious im not cheating.. i appreciate any helps cause i dont know how to do now

Ok i ask u what should i do now pls..

ITs first cycle for me, 10 years natural, im 30, some ex-bodybuilders suggest like this

Thanks so much (sorry for my english im not eng / US)
WTF is this cycle.... This is just plain stupid. Obviously you have no clue as to what you are doing.

What are your stats first before we go any further.
what cycle is this for you
please answer Teutonic's Q's
History of gym training

WHY did you start this cycle and get 3 weeks in before you asked anyone for help with your plan. This is not a game and it is serious stuff here. Have you not done any studying about AAS use before you stuck yourself with a needle and injected what ever and at whatever dose you chose.

Get back with us and answer our Q's please so we maybe can help at this juncture. OK

Did not ask before cause some friends did same cycle with no problems or little..
My stats are up on post, my stats after 3 weeks are same but more solid muscle, better strenght and performance and look more big than before

Thanks for reply im looking for best solution now ( sorry for my english im not english motherlanguage)
Here I go again-------Whitesnake James Coverdale ( ur wienie s gonna look Tawny s ..nevermind).........

Haha! Good one!
STOP TAKING STEROIDS until u know what s up Sir.

U need testosterone as a base for any and all cycle s period...then u need an ai and some hcg and a plan for pc t but first u need to read avoid the douche bag s who set u on this 1 way ride to e d and depression.

( I gonna have TO FIND another milf..I AM wasting my time in Kindergarten AAS....).
STOP TAKING STEROIDS until u know what s up Sir.

U need testosterone as a base for any and all cycle s period...then u need an ai and some hcg and a plan for pc t but first u need to read avoid the douche bag s who set u on this 1 way ride to e d and depression.

( I gonna have TO FIND another milf..I AM wasting my time in Kindergarten AAS....).

Ok understood, stop winni and tren both, thanks for helps...

Well, considering i did this bad cycle for 3 weeks, should i take some natural booster for reset my body or nothing? Will i lose this little gains on my body (quality muscle strenght and performance)?
Did not ask before cause some friends did same cycle with no problems or little..
My stats are up on post, my stats after 3 weeks are same but more solid muscle, better strenght and performance and look more big than before

Thanks for reply im looking for best solution now ( sorry for my english im not english motherlanguage)

So sorry for my stupidity and not seeing or paying attention to your stats. Sometimes I get rattled and get hung up on one thought. Remember I'm an old man. Ha!

Again , what Teut said about your friends. We are all different and have different reactions. But one thing is for sure you have less problems and are safer it you read up on your own and ask Q's before you put things into your body. I mean really think about it. Good luck
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So sorry for my stupidity and not seeing or paying attention to your stats. Sometimes I get rattled and get hung up on one thought. Remember I'm an old man. Ha!

Again , what Teut said about your friends. We are all different and have different reactions. But one thing is for sure you have less problems and are safer it you read up on your own and ask Q's before you put things into your body. I mean really think about it. Good luck

Np man i thank u for time spent to my post..

Anyway last questions, obv now i stopped this sh**** cycle and i hope to restore quickly libido and other side effects, do u think natural testo-booster will be good now? for only 3 weeks like this should i take clomid for pct?

If in a few months i will good, how can i do for simply cycle for increase some little pounds of clean muscle, im not bad now (same before this cycle)

5,10 ft (180cm)
187 lb (85kg)
8/9 % body fat

This forum suggest for "rookie" only testo right? or also winni togheter?