Advice needed for a first timer what steroid and where from


New member
Hi after trawling the net for many hours I was delighted to stumble on to your site! I've read most of your coloumbs and found the information second to none! After holding off on starting my very first steroid cycle for two years I now think both me, my diet and my training are ready to give them ago. I'm not looking to compete or get stupidly big I just want like most building enthusiasts to add some nice size with muscle tone. A few training friends are already using but worryingly when quizzed have bought off unrepputable sources and have no idea of what they are or should be using! I however want to make sure I start right and do not take strong and seriously toxic steroids when I have no need to! I'm very particular when it comes to my diet and have that side buttoned down! My training is good and intense so ready to start! I wanted your advise on which steroid would suit me the best? I have read your chart and was thinking maybe the growth hormone steroid? I want to keep the possible side affects to a minimum and once the cycle has finished try to hold on to as much of the gains as possible! And without endangering my health too much :) could you also tell me where I can purchase confidently without the worry of fakes!?! I want to know what I'm told I'm taking is what I definitely are! Many thanks I look forward to hearing from you. Regards Pete.
Hi after trawling the net for many hours I was delighted to stumble on to your site! I've read most of your coloumbs and found the information second to none! After holding off on starting my very first steroid cycle for two years I now think both me, my diet and my training are ready to give them ago. I'm not looking to compete or get stupidly big I just want like most building enthusiasts to add some nice size with muscle tone. A few training friends are already using but worryingly when quizzed have bought off unrepputable sources and have no idea of what they are or should be using! I however want to make sure I start right and do not take strong and seriously toxic steroids when I have no need to! I'm very particular when it comes to my diet and have that side buttoned down! My training is good and intense so ready to start! I wanted your advise on which steroid would suit me the best? I have read your chart and was thinking maybe the growth hormone steroid? I want to keep the possible side affects to a minimum and once the cycle has finished try to hold on to as much of the gains as possible! And without endangering my health too much :) could you also tell me where I can purchase confidently without the worry of fakes!?! I want to know what I'm told I'm taking is what I definitely are! Many thanks I look forward to hearing from you. Regards Pete.

Hey Pete,
As you can tell this is also my first post, but I have read enough to know that you more than likely won't get recommendations on where to buy, at least not openly. I think what I've seen most advise given here for first timers is do your research. And when you think you are done, do more. And then when you think you are finished again, keep reading. I can tell you that I have read many posts and continue to learn, so that I when I to am ready, I won't kill myself. I think if I can offer you a friendly piece of advice, is go back and read again. I remember having the same questions that you asked above, only to think I had found the answer, then to discover that it wasn't the best solution for me, then again to find more information to support or debunk my thoughts. I hope that makes sense, but I can guarantee that answers will come to you as you read the board.

Best of luck.
Word of Advice

Hi Pete,

Like you I was also a beginner before and in need of advice on how to use steroids:yesway: or where to get them, I searched the web and asked people in the gym on where to find some good products and where to get them safely. They recommended me to get it on they have great products for starters and every product is detailed so that you may know how to use it or what it does to your body. I've been buying and using there products for almost 2 months now and its looking great, give it a try.

It's certainly a mine field mate :( thanks for the reply I definitely need to do more research by the sounds of it! Good look with your quest too.
look into a simple test e cycle for your 1st run, or one of the prohormones these are available legally but anything oral with add stress to the liver and injecting is still the best way to get these compounds into the body. A simple 12 week test cycle or a prohorone run are your best options,have a read and decide for yourself..