im trying to sort a diet and think im getting there slowly but ive been eating quite a few bananas throughout the day to stop me eating junk is this a bad idea to eat bananas throughout the day but mainly evening cheers
they are all yellow and about 6 throughout the day i supose when you say they are carbs this will be bad for trying to loose weight just was trying to eat something better than junk food what would you sugest for a snack or to snack on m8
They are High In fiber so I don't think too bad. Also high in potacium so helps with flush sodium which tends to add water retention. But I think 6 is a bit much. Maybe cut down to 3 maybe four. But fruit is definatly better that Chips, candy bars and or Fries.
looks like need to find something better may just eat 2 at my 2nd and 4th meal at these times been eating boiled eggs so should be ok i think if i add these to them times might make me feel fuller for longer cheers for the help
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